Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Short: Greely's "Sneak"

Pay close attention, readers, this story will be explaining some parts I didn't guess correctly for the adventures!

Greely blew various hieroglyphs into existence, making a cloud of images around him. Amelia's eyes stared at him worriesomely, wondering if he would come back in one piece. Sir Gilbert glared at the two of them jealously from across the living room, chomping on a juicy steak, his sad eyes glaring at them. Greely thought that his dull mind must be slow to realize he could attract most of the ladies, but not one with high class... such as dear Amelia.
Because Greely valued his life, he didn't dare upset his sweetheart, as Amelia's claws were laced with rattlesnake spit, and she dared to assault gods... well, you get the idea. Amelia wasn't one afraid to slay her friend, being a feral rebel.
Greely shook his mane. He shouldn't distract himself with this dillydandy, he had to focus on the task at hand. Lisa had requested him to infiltrate the Phantom Palace, as their activity had ceased to be known after Dark Mira had been locked inside Tempest. Greely was sure either that dark shell or Ledra would be a worthy apprentice, but he wasted time on Seth.
He did not like making mistakes, and did certainly not want to make the mistakes from the past.
"Amelia, be sure to use telepathy sometimes so that I can contact you if I need help. Please."
Amelia's golden jewelry jangled, and she smiled her pearly whites. It was intimidating and sweet at the same time.
"No prob, munchkin."
Amelia gave him a noogie with her claws extended, and Greely winced. Amelia chuckled at his face.
In the corner, Sir Gilbert sighed and tossed some bones into a wooden trash can, getting off the bean-bag couch to go oversee the preparations on the Adventure Base Camp wards.
Calling on the powers of Moon and the Duat, he made a rift in time and space, entering the castle.
The last thing he saw was Amelia peering after him.

Greely entered the cool onyx palace, to find it... empty. The pipes generating phantoms had been closed off, the med rooms bare, and all of the defenses disabled.
It was odd, yet creepy.
The spikes were rusty, the chandeliers unkempt, and the spoils of war (such as bloody Jamaasian skulls, which Greely revived and sent to Jamaa Township to avoid guilt) were dusty and teeming with rats.
All of that was unlike the tidy Apophis, who wanted to ravage the world to create a calm sea to "cleanse" the world. The Chaos Snake never let the castle be unruly, even for a ploy to trap the Alphas.
He saw brushes, dusters and brooms lying around some of the dismal corners, as if the servants using them had been yanked through dimensions without much notice.
At first, Greely thought Apophis must have gone on vacation to Hyrestia to oversee his plans to awaken Maximus Chronos to restore the world to its primitive roots and sip pina coladas on the vast, sparkly beaches.
He shook the thought out. No, Greely thought, in that instance Apophis would have upgraded the defenses and left a few minions and servants here to make sure none of the Alphas got through to steal information.
After some fierce brainstorming, he gasped as he realized the worst was happening.
Somehow, Apophis had restored their first base, the Chaos Factory, deep inside their home dimension, the Phantom Vortex, and moved the entire Phantom Empire over there. However, this wasn't very convenient, as they could accumulate a vaster pool of energy, then send more invaders into Jamaa on the winter solstice, when darkness prevails over daylight the most.
To make sure they didn't return and attack them underground when their guards were down, Greely set down some grenades Graham had made using some of Frost's power. They could easily blow up an entire dimension with enough juice in them. A grenade could certainly blow up this wretched place now that the wards are down, he thought.
"Make sure NO Jammers get caught in the sewer explosion, Amelia! Protect the internet, phone, water and sewer lines near the palace and make sure nothing but this place blows up! I'll meet you in the Alphas' Hut after the grenades blow up!"
Greely wasn't sure, but he heard a faint "Over," from Amelia.
He took a while to gather as much information as possible and set up the grenades, also savaging precious materials and saving Jammers left behind in cages of poisoned bars, then made sure nothing living was in and double-checked every nook and cranny, then Greely shadow-warped into the Duat. He muttered a potent "Ha-Di" spell he learned from Cornelius, and watched the palace blow up with a smoking mushroom cloud from afar.


  1. Hey Amy, can i post the same story i did before? And can I do a little article about who i am (Jammer-wise)

    1. Sure! Its your right to post whatever you need to!


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