Sunday, June 8, 2014

Jamaa Mysteries Revealed... Ocean by Sarepia Forest?

My Jammers, in Sarepia Forest, if you listen closely, you may hear sounds of waves. Though it is not by any ocean, it might be the river, so far so we can't get to it. What do you think? For many Moons I have been researching about it, and here is the story;

Many Moons ago, at the time of the Alpha's arriving, there was a river. It was called the Sky's River. For many Moons, Jammers relied on it to give them water. But when they fought, it became dry. There wasn't a lot of water, so all fought for water. Mira banished them, and turned one into a phantom. As that story goes, the once Jammers destroyed Zios and Mira cried the tears mixed with the elements of nature, creating the phantoms. Meanwhile, the river, its spirit still lives, but you can't see it. If you listen closely, you may still hear it.

~Princess Spiritstar