Sunday, June 23, 2013

How Liza Discovered Mt. Shiveer

This mighty mountain stands atop Jamaa regally, but how was it discovered? Listen, everyone, as I have the story....

Everyone was nervous, as Mira had ordered them to stop training the Jamaasians to combat phantoms. Several had already been captured and impurified, and several were possessed. Unfortunately, the phantoms knew medical processes well, so Cosmo couldn't heal most of them. Once again, they were weakened, and slowly Jamaa was modernizing. At this time, Snowyclaw was in a deep sleep, as she was the first Jamaasian Hero and had the strongest connection to Jamaa.
However, the Alphas were ready for anything... until a former friend attacked them.
Peck had been playing with her brand-new Wii U and fighting zombies in ZombieU, when six legs grabbed her.
"Hey!" she cried, tossing her controller at a visible leg. "Not funny, Rose!"
Before Peck could grab something more lethal, though, the phantom holding her summoned a javelin of light and knocked her unconscious, as would be done to Snow many years later.
Rose, hearing her name called, rushed in with a flowerpot in her paw, but the phantom sprayed her with a Vramaasian sleep gas gun.
Rose went down with a thunk, and was immediately put inside a cage of dark energy, with a lock and hidden key to go along with it.
"My name is Voltor, the Mt. Shiveer general," the phantom cackled from under a metal helmet. "and you cannot beat me, with my Achilles's invincibility!"
A cold wind blew in, and both Peck and Voltor were swept away to the tall mountain.

When Greely came in with a bowl of buttered popcorn to watch Paranorman, he was in for a surprise.
"Yikes! Electric cage!"
Dropping his ceramic bowl,  popcorn flew all around. Rose, awakened by the clatter of polished clay, managed to catch several popcorn grains in her wide mouth despite the barrage of popcorn in her face.
"MFF!" Rose cried, spitting the popcorn out. Peck's younger sister preferred bubblegum to popcorn, and in some ways was as immature as Peck, if not more... although her quieter hobby, gardening, was much appreciated by the other Alphas. It left Peck good food and Cosmo something to teach her.
"Some help here, please?" Rose muttered, counting her belly-button lint as she waited.
Greely made a face that was a mix between displeasure and shock, then slunk into the shadows to find the key. A few minutes afterward, he emerged with a charred wooden key, and slowly inserted it into the lock.
The cage crumbled, and Rose sprang out.
"Greely!" she cried. "Peck was grabbed by this armored phantom and I was unconscious and then she was dragged away and i don't know where she is!"
Greely held up his stark white paws.
"Slow down, young one, tell me this slowly." he said, his low voice as soothing as possible.
Rose sighed, and laid down on the couch. It had been such a long slumber that Peck had gone through hundreds of characters in one run, despite not being there, all of them devoured by mindless zombies.
Turning the TV off and cleaning up the mess Peck had made, she told Greely the entire story. Once in a while, he would say something like. "Mmf", "Okay, go on," or "Can I have some popcorn?".
After Rose told her tale, Greely got up.
"You know what? Rose, go take care of your sunflowers. I'll tell this to the others so that we can come up with a rescue plan." Greely said, stroking his long beard.
Rose, being the careful rabbit she was, took off her gloves and slippers and darted to the nearest sink (which was in the bathroom Cosmo had) to cleanse herself of phantom grime. Greely rang the living room bell to commence an Alpha meeting.

They met at the fancy oak table Graham had made, complete with massage seats and magical plates that spawned any food you could envision. Most of the Alphas weren't hungry, as it was the middle of the afternoon, but Graham ate many, many graham crackers (named in his honor) while Greely retold Rose's tale. Sir Gilbert glared at him most of the time, but was curious about where Peck was.
Lisa pounded the table with her strong fist.
"I see, Greely, thank you." Lisa said, simple and sweet.
She turned around in her swivel chair, and stopped.
"I would suggest a search party in case this 'Voltor' you speak of is still in the known lands. However, we also need a mission for two Alphas to go rescue her. I will be one, but I also need another to help me find Peck and reclaim Mt. Shiveer, as I think this is the perfect opportunity to get back our mighty mountain."
Rose, reading Toxic Bachelors, raised her paw, as did Sir Gilbert, Greely and Graham.
Lisa's powerful eyes scanned them, as if she were a robot analyzing their data, then pointed at Rose.
"The bunny will go. I think her powers of manipulation and charmspeak will help us."
Lisa's powerful and booming voice echoed, and the other Alphas nodded. Graham even said "Aye," to show he was at least barely listening.
Rose's face read one word: "What?!"
Lisa waved her ruby cane, and the other Alphas vanished.
"Lets go, Rose, we do NOT have much time."
A blue portal opened, and Rose followed Lisa in.

They emerged in Crystal Sands, where Sir Gilbert still had his hideout. It would still remain for years to come, just hidden by new growth and development.
To stock up, the pair entered his private cave, where he had an 80" HD TV and a pile of moss to sleep on. There was also a modern toilet, a sink and a few lights. Other than that, though, there were a few armor barracks and plenty of emergency supplies, ranging from a first-aid kit to a hoard of traditional RPG items Lisa never saw before.
"What do you think we should bring?" squeaked Rose.
"Hmmm... thats tough. What about some faux fur coats, a first-aid kit, and several potions? I should also get you a staff, too." Lisa said, stroking her chin. Her wig was shiny, as usual, and her cane was surrounded by lotus-scented light.
Rose grabbed herself one of Peck's spare winter jackets, a creepy rag doll, and her trustworthy staff, made from a large carrot and a powerful amethyst.
Lisa, being the careful person she was, grabbed a velcro backpack, many scrolls for casting spells, and plenty of potions. At the last minute, Rose grabbed a sign that said this:

complete with the animation. Lisa thought it questionable, but Sir Gilbert never seemed to mind things like that inside his den. In fact, sometimes he slept here instead of his room just to read the animated signs in his den.
A little cat was in the corner, scratching a post, which was his pet named Gilbert Jr.
Before they could get distracted further, Lisa dragged Rose outside, where she used a pickax to bore a hole up to the mountain (using her cane to make it go quickly, of course), and dragged her up.

When they got to the mountain, Lisa put on her coat, and so did Rose. They wallowed in deep snow, mammoth skeletons around them like hallways of bone.
"Brr.... I wonder how a phantom wouldn't freeze, being 99% thick liquid. He probably armored all of his minions and himself with that magical armor. You say he has a red glass eye?" Lisa said. Rose nodded.
After a lot of resisting bitter winds, they came to a vast cavern, and a seal hash-mark scratched into the ice. Deep within it, Lisa sensed the long-lost Seal Spirit Stone. She should have been able to reach it from their position, but alas, it was blocked by a few phantoms!
Before they could see them, though, Rose muttered 'Brisingr," and all of the phantoms screamed as they burned to a crisp. Lisa high-pawed them.
Just when she inserted the spirit-stone into her cane, dark clouds replaced the fluffy snow clouds, and Voltor came down, cackling like a monster... not that he was a maniac already.
"Alphas, scmalphas! You should be called Omegas! Ha! Follow the point of the mammoth tooth to my cavern, where we shall fight!"
Just like Flying Frog from STH Archie Comics, he grinned and flew off, emitting a red aura only a Fire Trooper could emit. Made sense, since he needed to stay warm.
Seeing the mammoth skeleton he was referring to, this time Rose dragged Lisa to their destination, but even rougher.
"Oof! Yowch!" Lisa cried as her butt bounced over snow-capped rocks.

As they entered the beautiful cave of icicles, they saw Peck trapped inside her cage, screaming and pounding on the bars. Voltor floated on top of a fire hieroglyph sigil, smiling sleepily.
"You have arrived late, my dears, and I do not excuse tardiness. It is now time for a battle to the death!"
Icicles shattered, throwing shrapnel all around, but Lisa made a lotus-scented cloud to block the spears of ice.
Rose made carrots sprout up and block the spears of light Voltor threw, and also deflected the spears of lightning he threw. Despite being scrawny and narcissistic, Voltor was incredibly powerful and sly.
Lisa zapped him with a blast of fragrance that would have paralyzed  most foes, but it seemed to empower Voltor. Gathering enough energy, he blasted Lisa into the wall. Her head slumped, a nasty wound on her forehead.
"One point for me, negative for you!" Voltor chuckled, clearly drunk at this point in fun.
Rose, feeling anger at what Voltor had done, cowered in a corner to gather up energy.
"Cowards are losers! Nah nya nyah nah!"
A large beam of energies gathered from the negative energies from the Mira Feather she possessed blasted Voltor backwards, and his shell dissolved. Underneath was a young rabbit.
"Father!" Peck and Rose cried, and Peck managed to break free just as Rose darted over.
Holding his weak paw, Rose wept. He smiled faintly.
"My dear Rose, you have bloomed and saved this wonderful land! I thought it was a mere legend before Apophis captured me! He turned me into this vile beast and turned me against you, harnessing my love for you as power. Now, as I lie here dying, I regret neglecting you two young ladies... and now, I wish I could stay longer.
Now, Peck was also crying as their father's breathing got slower.
"No! Don't leave us, dad! Remember your name, called Gideon?"
As tears splashed on his belly, he smiled and nodded, their tears tickling him.
Then, his eyes whitened, and all was still.
Lisa's wound closed up and she awoke as the phantom's curse was lifted from the mountain, Voltor slew and the land open for her to explore and get ready for the Jammers of Jamaa.
But was it worth the sacrifice of Gideon?

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