Friday, May 31, 2013

Sundial of Ruby

I realized Ruby wasn't getting a lot of attention, so I searched and searched until I found something on her. This may be unexpected, but Ruby actually honors Moko above all else, even above Jamaa and her friends and the gods.

This sundial is crafted from some of the jewels from Zios's statue, symbolizing Zios in the center, the telescope-thingies as the four good values (hope, kindness, braveness, and honor) and the four darkened triangles the four major evils (cowardice, fear, meanness, resentment). The blue pattern represents Mira's powers to restore life and color to the world, and the space simply the abundance of animals in Jamaa. Ruby crafted it in honor of Moko, as this is also his symbol, but it also had a parallel meaning--the invisible struggle between evil and good.

Stats for the Jamaasian Heroes

Here are their stats, if you are curious! Oh, and the top stat is attack, second top is speed, third is defense, and last but not least is special attack.


Gleam (Frost's Dragon)
save image



Snowyclaw (non-mecha)

Mecha Snowyclaw (enhanced)






That's all for now, comment if you have questions!