Friday, May 24, 2013

Raika: My Miserable Days

Raika, the little handmaiden to DarkBreath, Agate and Zoran (the original three phantoms Apophis controlled), was miserable.
She had been freed from the capsule in Earth's orbit where all of the handmaidens lived for a quest, and ended up killing her mother in the process. (Phantoms reproduce by thinking many evil thoughts at the same time with their 'mate', but it is much harder than just letting a Jammer's evil thoughts create one, although reproduced ones hold better power) Shiley, Raika's mom, said these last words:
"Raika... DarkBreath kidnapped you as a child. Please, put the dagger through my heart (if I had one) and end my long ten years waiting for your return. Ah, I hope that Zios places me in a heavenly place because of my good intentions as a rebel..."
Raika clung onto the words like a burr to fur, and wouldn't let go no matter how many memory-erasing chips Agate tried to place inside her mind.
Bringer of fury.
Yes, she thought, I have fury. Lots of it. Bundles, in fact, that she was itchin' to unleash. Unleashed fury meant satisfaction.
She glanced over at Ashley, her BFF, who was trying to stroke her, but her static-filled glands just made her yearn for a good massage from a pro.
Her days went like this, even on a good day:
Get up from her bed in the bunks
Scrub her pelt and get dressed in her cotton tunics
Get in line for her broom
Sweep the station for like, 12 hours straight
Attend to Agate's needs for 3 hours while he feasted
Rest for 2 hours during her meal break and talk to Ashley and Dominic for a while
Take off tunics and go to sleep
Raika didn't like it, but unless she wanted to be left to the wrath of the rebels in the pods attacking the station. Her miserable days were usually spent thinking about her life and how to change it as she continued her regular routine.

After a few days, Raika had made a decision, with Ashley and Dominic's help, but it was risky.
Very risky.
Raika would try to reach Serena's child (Sandy) within a dream, and pledge her alliance to the space sector of the rebels. However, by entering the dream properties of the Duat, she was risking her life to escape and find Frost to get some help.
As she lay down in the DreamCaster (a prototype tube where you could enter the Duat more easily, but only DarkBreath and Agate were allowed to test it) and fluffed the pillows stacked on her headrest (Egyptian custom, which helped a lot despite any phantom user needing to stretch their body to fit) and lay down, Raika glanced over to Dominic and Ashley, who seemed to be worried for her yet hoping for the best.
"Are you ready?" Dominic asked her nervously. Raika gulped, then nodded.
Without warning, he tugged the lever down, and the bed started to lurch.
Raika grew tense, then relaxed when she realized it was designed like a cradle.
"THINK-HAPPY-THOUGHTS." the bed said through a speaker.
Raika thought thoughts about going with Frost on adventures, slaying her own kind like Megaman and overall being welcomed by rebel and Jamaasian alike. She thought about the days she spent living with her family before they sent her to the new space colony to get some reputation for themselves. The happy days of being pampered by her parents the best they could. Thoughts of anywhere besides this blasted place.
Raika fell asleep.

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