Thursday, May 2, 2013

Ore Compass: Part Three

The jewels in the spoon kept glowing as they headed towards Frost, who was lying in a heap on the couch in the TV room next to Peck, watching JFV (Jamaa's Funniest Videos) and choking on their buttered popcorn.
"Hey, Frost!" Zion said.
Frost nearly barfed on the llama pelt carpet.
"Zion, what?" she snapped as she spat out the half-cooked popcorn.
Peck noticed this, and turned on the Wii U instead.
"Well... um... would you join us on a... quest... using this Ore Compass?" asked Zion, blushing.
Frost's face softened.
"Of course, Zion, why wouldn't I?" she said.
Suddenly, another jewel locked itself in the spoon, and the spoon became pure gold.
"I guess its time to go," Sir Gilbert mumbled, "because its pointing straight out the door."
How obvious, Frost thought.
They trudged out the door, half ready for the impending adventure (Sir Gilbert had packed everything from toothpaste to grappling hooks) and half ready to get away from Peck's horrible gaming.
A half-dead deer could steer a racing car better, Parlan thought.

Walking through Jamaa, the compass pointed them through several regions (invisible, of course, because they walked right through the open areas) and didn't stop.
Their relentless journey needed a rest stop soon.
"Did you live in the Forgotten Valley, Parlan?" Sir Gilbert muttered.
"Yes, I did. Frost was born underwater, Zion a few months after her in the same location (He is actually a relative of Frost, but this time half-phantom, half-Jammer) and Sir Gilbert somewhere in like, China, but this is MY quest." Parlan said.
Frost raised an eyebrow.
"How do you know all this stuff, apprentice of Gilbert?" Frost said.
"The compass told me." Parlan said simply, as if that explained everything.
Through the rest of the day, Frost and Zion nuzzled each other affectionately as they walked together.

Once the sun started to dip below the mountains, they decided to set up camp.
But where?
"I suggest we go in a cave!" Parlan suggested.
Zion shook his head.
"And squeeze out the inhabitants? No, I say we make a nest out of grass."
Now it was Parlan's turn to shake his head.
"No, there are aplenty of animals here that need the grass. Lets just sleep on the pile of wool over there." he suggested.
The wool was fresh, but without any scent of phantoms or animal, as far as Frost could scent.
Did the Ore Compass make that bed?
"Well, all that walking made me tired, I guess I'll go hunt some voles." Sir Gilbert grumbled, running off to another part of the valley.
Frost padded over to Zion, and they started to share tongues.
Parlan looked away, as tigers normally didn't really share tongues.
The wind blew, and the compass stopped pointing at the mountains for a bit, enough time for a nap.
He dozed off quickly.

To be concluded...

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