Saturday, March 30, 2013

Time for a Lore Discussion!

Hello Jammers!
Part of the purpose of this blog is to speculate about the wonders of Jamaa, but so far we haven't had any discussions. So today, send me an email @ about what stories you would like to see here! Don't be shy, I love to hear from fans!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Cosmo's Journey

Cosmo saw his mother during his dreams.
He was dreaming he was back in Australia, making smalltalk with the grass, when his mother fell out of a tree.
"Mother!" he cried.
Cosmo walked over to his mother, but she looked at her freshest.
"Darling, I reside in the Land Of the Dead (or Heaven, or the Underworld, or the Otherworld, however you imagine it) now, but I have sensed that it is vital to find a new land to expand Jamaa to what it was. Some candidates are like the Forgotten Valley or the Badlands. However, you will need the might of all of the koalas to overcome the evil forces there." his  mother said. Cosmo went over what she said in wonder.
"Do you mean the Spirit Stone?" asked Cosmo. The world started to warp.
"Cosmo, I can't keep the connection up for long, so please, take my advice to heart." his mother said.
"I love you." Cosmo said.
"I love you too,"his mother said, reaching out her hand."I'll love you foreeeeverr.."
Cosmo awoke in bed, panting.

 The next morning, Cosmo hesitated to eat his bark cereal.
"Cosmo, what is wrong with you?" Peck said impatiently as they started to clear the table.
Lisa shushed the young rabbit.
"Cosmo, tell them about your dream. " Indiana told him. Cosmo sighed, and reluctantly told them about his dream. 
When he was done, Lisa put her elbow on her plate for a while and brainstormed.
The tensity in the room made it feel like there was a electrical storm brewing.
"If it is truly a sign from the dead, then you may take every koala with you. Beware the phantoms." Lisa said, as simple as simple could be.
Indiana smiled.
Lisa got up, and started to print the Jamaa Journal.

 "Cosmo, don't forget your toothpaste!" his mother called in his ears.
Cosmo sighed. His mother sure could be annoying at times.
"Don't forget that our energy may be strong enough to recruit all of Jamaa to defend our lush land from the phantoms, but who knows? Maybe fate will just make the adventure Lisa thinks we can get started an expedition to save all wildlife." Indiana reminded Cosmo.
Once his buckskin backpack was full, he got his little cane and practiced harnessing the energy of the spirtual world.
"Indiana, get your little paws moving and actually pack for our expedition!" he scolded the little koala.
Like a little jet, she started to pack all of her powder makeup.
"No, no, no! Bring your weapons and other necessary stuff, but no makeup!" Cosmo screeched. Indiana finally packed correctly at that remark.
Lisa had extracted the koala spirit stone, and he was relieved to feel its green, cool surface. Many koalas danced inside it.
"Pssst... can I please give Indiana a proper spanking?" a vine on the wall whispered to Cosmo.
"No," he replied,"but you're welcome to spank Peck." he whispered back slyly.

To be continued after April 11th...


Sir Gilbert gazed out the window, and saw the females coming across the yard.
"They're back!" he cried.
As they got closer, he saw that they were all robotic.
 Maybe they had just escaped like LaSalle.
Suddenly, Lisa got her armblades out and slashed a window, sprinkling glass into Edmund's room.
Sir Gilbert had no idea what had happened to the giraffe.
He didn't want to know.
"Code red: female mutiny!" Sir Gilbert roared, donning his infamous armor. He heard clanking from the other male rooms as they put on armor good for defense and gently damaging their opponent.
The door was obliterated as Peck painted a paw grenade on the doorstep with her SmartBoard Pen.
The reason why she held a teaching tool, nobody discovered.
Metal claws scraped the floor as each female started to attack each male. Sir Gilbert was cornered by LaSalle, Greely by Amelia, and Marco by Harper.
The sailor went down as Harper whacked her boyfriend with an antennae, one of her various fur tufts she used to have as a result of three gods possessing her.
LaSalle swiped, and Sir Gilbert dodged.
He managed to land a melee blow, but as he retreated LaSalle's arm extended and whacked him in the cheek.
Blood poured from Sir Gilbert's mouth, and his teeth were cracked.
As LaSalle prepared to chainsaw his neck off, he glimpsed a drive in LaSalle's head, emanating black fog.
All worlds went black.

 Sir Gilbert opened his eyes.
He saw only white-yes, sky, ground, and walls.
Zios knelt by him, if a mask had knees. Surprisingly, the floating mask bent like clay.
"I am becoming purified as a group of Jammers older than the rest work towards restoring Jamaa to its former glory. I managed to freeze time in all worlds to rescue you from your doom, and now I will bless you with new powers." Zios said, the green lights in his mouth and eyes blinking.
The air pressure increased around Gilbert's paws, and he felt his mass becoming a different substance, some of his muscles and fur becoming numb.
He was being partially roboticized.
"Do not fear, your mind is free yet your power increases, and your robotic parts will not mutiny unless your mind is set to make it organic once more. Shatter the drive in LaSalle's head, and protect her until she gathers enough time fabric to deroboticize all of your automaton friends." Zios instructed and assured at the same time. Sir Gilbert nodded, and the world bended.

 Knowing what to do, Gilbert reached up and clawed the disk to pieces. LaSalle shuddered, then dove behind him as she drew in large amounts of time fabric, dragging some phantoms along for the ride.
"Hey, metalheads! Come get me, or are you cowardheads?" Sir Gilbert taunted, using his knowledge from taunting Twolegs throughout his first life to make it seem like he was a brat.
"Sequence Command: Destroy Pesky Tiger!" Lisa beeped, narrowing her eyes.
All of the others stopped fighting and started to pounce at Gilbert.
Why was LaSalle so slow?
He batted at them like a girl in a catfight, and he felt like LaSalle was glad he had somehow gotten long robotic appendages.
However, the casing on their former allies was strong, and he barely bought them time.
The end was near.
White light filled Sir Gilbert's eyes, and their female alphas, some that led them, some that were annoying, and some that were pretty, lay on the ground in a smoking heap.
LaSalle  crept out from behind Sir Gilbert, her mouth bent in an uncanny grin. Nothing but wires and a small .45 caliber gun were in her mouth.
"Well, Cosmo, make sure that their minds are free." Sir Gilbert told Cosmo, unsure what to say.
As Cosmo did a robot scan, Sir Gilbert glanced at LaSalle.
How in Jamaa did you do that?
LaSalle smirked.
Simple. When I downloaded this program, I made sure that I could also download the records of DNA from any roboticizer in the world. I could.
Sir Gilbert sighed, and checked Marco's wounds.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

The True Adventures Of Marco And Sabre

Sabre gazed silently at the purple dark surrounding them as they rowed through the Duat. Marco steered the boat with master accuracy.
" saved me. Thank you." Sabre told his escorter.
"No prob, man." Marco said. Sabre sighed. Things could be worse. At least his escorter was a ray of sunshine. At least travel in the Duat was quick and easy.
"Dude, stop 'at least'ing. Everything is fine, and so are you." Marco assured Sabre while steering away from a plane lodged halfway in the water.
It was a year after the beginning of time, and they were traveling away from the Corax. It was time they found a new home, a new land.
"How does the future find its way into the Duat?" Sabre asked Marco. He was also curious how Marco knew what Sabre was thinking.
"First answer: The Duat is timeless, man. Time works differently in the stream of magic energy, and there are many layers. In the time layer, at the very bottom, there is a pit where all the time creatures, made from the fabric of time itself (early Vramaasians, before Zira and Aios corrupted), they do their best to manage the time travelers, but once in a while things slip through and alert others to the future or retell the past. Those people often inhabit oracles. Because of the magic channeled through the time layer, the further you venture into the Duat, the harder it is to get out.
Second answer: I've got pow-pow-powers, man. I ain't know why, but I use them for good." Marco said.
Sabre wasn't sure, but he thought that something had pierced the hull, causing the ship to list sideways. Valuable rations and Greek Fire tilted dangerously toward the acidic water. Marco desperately tried to steer the boat into safer water, as the siren's rocks were coming up.
Before considering the consequences, Sabre shed all excess weight and dove in the water.
Voices clawed at his ears, but Sabre managed to find whatever pierced the hull without going insane.
A fairly small treasure chest resided in the hole, unaffected by the water. No wards could have protected it, for all magic energy malfunctioned in the Duat, their effects reversed by the many layers demanding for the same energy at once.
Sabre quickly grabbed the chest, and aimed.
The boat was fairly stable, so Sabre threw.
One little chest landed in Marco's flippers.
"Score!" Marco cried, grappling for the lock for the supposed numerous goodies inside.
"Hands off the merchandise!" an invisible voice cried, as if a little squirrel spoke English like a chipmunk.
A jolt ran down Marco's spine, and he dropped the chest with a yelp.
The wood was smoking yet unharmed.
Sabre came out of the water with a dolphin's grace, barely landing on all four paws.
"Is it just me, or did the ship repair itself? How could that happen when all spells malfunction?" Sabre asked Marco, puzzled.
Marco looked just as befuddled.
"You must be a stinkin' liar, because I have never seen this happen even when magic is boosted." Marco said.
Sabre gave him a look that meant "Go look for yourself."
Marco went down, and when he came up his expression was worth a shiny penny.
"I don't know how to accuse, but that chest is cursed, I can feel it!" Marco said.
Sadly, Sabre didn't believe in such magic.

Many years went by, and the duo of Marco and Sabre became legendary. They were good merchants, and only stole when they needed food for their voyage. They also fought evils such as pirates, just as the Mobian Freedom Fighters would do one day.
Alongside all the myths that made their true story unclear, there was their talent for quick travel.
As none of the commonspeople knew about the Duat so far, they were astounded when they were buying rice in China one day, and then watching plays at the theater in Club Penguin only hours later. Some said they were the gods of trade and thieves, others thought they could go somewhere quickly, somehow able to bend time. However, even when their immortality-due to the effects of the Duat-preserved their unwavering confidence, the chest weighed them down greatly. Sabre worked at lightning speed, tying the rigging and ropes to the wharf at the new land Ook.
"I wonder what awaits us.." Sabre said wistfully. The vast beaches around them made him homesick for their vacations at Crystal Sands during his reign as prince.
Monkeys popped out from behind some crates, wearing torn pirate's garments. All of them wielded flaming swords.
"Ooh, this treasure will be great for Mayor Bumbee!" one said. For some reason, their clothes were stuffed with thousands of bananas.
Marco managed to kill at least ten by swinging his powerful metal sword, but a few were swift enough to carry a struggling Sabre off, saying something about treasure being good luck.
Tears blurring his vision, Marco went belowdecks to get the chest. It was untouched by time, as shiny as new.
Marco wrenched the lock open, and for once wasn't stopped.
Nothing happened.
Then, shadowy figures came out, cackling, and sped away at the speed of light.
Marco had the feeling he had cursed his homeland, Jamaa.
But one shimmering piece of glass that apparently was named Hope remained, edges round enough to make it hard to hold on to, but not painful at all.
The penguin grasped the shard, and wept.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


The Phantom King impatiently tapped his armrest with a tentacle. His servants could be really, really slow when they delivered their treasure.
"Ah... let us roboticize those alphas. The females have great potential... AS MY SLAVES!" the King shouted. The female alphas looked horrified.
A tube labeled ROBOTICIZER stood next to the King's throne. Lisa was thrown in, and a ray started to turn Lisa into a robot. When they were done, Lisa looked evil, complete with her armlet transformed into a tool-infused armlet. The other alphas were thrown in, all except for LaSalle.
"For you, my dear potential slave, we have the P-Disk, a disk that will make you the minion you were intended to be." the King said to LaSalle. The Alpha of the Robots and Raccoons, however, wasn't so easily dissed.
She turned her rockets on, and slammed a headbutt into the King. He howled with pain, but managed to insert the P-Disk in her head in place of the Turbo Disk.
"Now, you are all my all-powerful slaves! MINE! MINE!!!!!!" the King cackled.
"Go attack your former allies, little pawns, and I will see the CIVIL WAR OF ALL TIME WITH MY LITTLE EYE!"


LaSalle was enjoying a cup of tea with Amelia when the siege started.
She had no idea how it happened, but they were sipping persimmon tea when the shadows dashed by LaSalle's window.
"What was that?" she asked Amelia. Her friend shrugged.
All of a sudden, the eye of the Phantom King formed in LaSalle's tea.
By the looks of Amelia's face, LaSalle could see she was seeing the same message.
"Foolish Alphas... the robot minions of our allies the Vramaasians are surrounding your home, and our own kin prey on your precious land. Hand over every female alpha, not including apprentices, and your land will be safe...for now." the tea said. Sweat started pouring down Amelia's eyebrow, which LaSalle couldn't do considering she was robotic.
"Try to use your technomagic, LaSalle." Amelia instructed her. LaSalle tried. Nothing happened.
"Amelia, they are probably protected by Zira's wards. Often, she is perceived as a crane in the rumors about her might,  but in her true form as a scarred eagle, her troops are invincible." LaSalle told Amelia. Amelia bowed her head down, as she was the first Alpha to learn of this information. At that moment, their tea cups shattered.
"Well, LaSalle, maybe we may want to call for an Alpha meeting at the dinner table." Amelia sighed, getting off her pillow.

 Amelia didn't like the dinner table.
On Soup Day, she had lost Greely and gone on a crazy mission to revive the alpha key to defeating the Phantom empire. At this table, she had wept over her loss. As one that had the ability to curse, she could barely resist cursing this table as of right now.
So suggesting that she sit in a chair and do war council at her table of bad memories was a huge step out of her comfort zone.
"Lisa, if we are cut off from the rest of Jamaa, then our animals will fall victim to the impending phantom invasion. The Golden Ring is a mere myth, as many Jammers say, so I'm not sure if it will be of any help. Besides, how do you fit over 3 million Jamaasians in one small patch of area?" Marco reasoned with Lisa. Lisa nodded at this.
"Well, it seems as LaSalle suggests that these mechanical scum are invincible, so I wouldn't go for an all out attack,-so much for your all-out attacks, Sir Gilbert,-... Instead, I would give the Alphas over and try to power up. If Marco can plan well, then we can have this plan of theirs to backfire on the Phantom Empire!" Greely suggested.
To break the ice, Sir Gilbert spoke up.
"I'm afraid that the grey wolf is right, both strategically and personally." he said, in a quiet tone. The brave warrior trudged to his room. Greely looked smug.
Unfortunately, none of the Alphas could think of anything else.
"Well... let's give the Phantoms what they want, eh?" Peck said. She laughed nervously. Marco and Greely were pained to see them go, but the female Alphas smiled as they let the grip off the hut, to go to the phantoms. Except for LaSalle.
"Graham, give me the Turbo Disk, and insert it in my head slot. Do it." LaSalle told the monkey. The other male alphas looked at Graham quizzically, but he betrayed no secrets. Graham put a forest-green disk in LaSalle's head, and she shuddered, then left.
"Take care, guys..." Otto said."Is that much to wish for?"

The Origins Of The Roboticizer

This odd Phantom machine was actually meant to be a medical miracle, created by Su Van Gogh, an aspiring doctor from Vramaa. She had made a potion that cured all disease, a blanket that helped asthma, and even found a way to pour more funds into hospitals. Su Van Gogh was also part of the Vramaa Rebel Fighters, a group of fighters that resisted the clutch of the Phantom Empire.
However, Su Van Gogh was the first robot minion of Aios.
She had been tinkering with some metal scraps when she got an idea. Su would make a way to make a patient mechanical to save their life!
Su wanted to make the roboticizer to save a patient when her all-curing potion was unavailable, or they wanted a cheaper alternative.
Because Su had been picked on as a child as a geek, she also armed any roboticized patient with laser cannons and rockets to help them get around in their slower state, and to defend themselves from bullies. The miracle made bones into frame, flesh into gears, nerves into wires, and the brain into a computer. However, due to the complexity of roboticization, only the machine that roboticized a subject could return it to organic form. Also, she made the program editable for improvement. Su was sure this would be her life-saving creation.
However, a few bugs got in as she constructed the prototype.
For example, the memory of the subject would be erased upon roboticization, and become the slave of Aios and Zira. Another major one was that the subject looked evil. Females had their eyes transformed into one-eyelashed black eyes with only a ring of their eye color for a pupil. Males had their eyes become pure red.
Su showcased the Roboticizator V. 1.0 at the Technology Expo, but when she roboticized a raccoon named Antoine (a.k.a. LaSalle's father and father of the missing child Emile, LaSalle's little brother) the robot attacked the crowd in confusion and killed ten of the rebels. In despair, Su Van Gogh deroboticized Antoine and didn't complain at exile.
Su was captured by Aios while she was journeying for the portal to Jamaa, and her own creation was turned against her as she became a full robot minion. Su Van Gogh's current whereabouts are unknown.

Keldeo's Secret

"S-Sophia, the voices speak again." Keldeo stammered at Sophia's mat. Her chest heaved once, then again...then her eyes fluttered open.
"Keldeo, are your parents rambling about the Chaos Crystal again? LaSalle is the only one who has the passcode to unlock the Chaos Cavern in Vramaa, as her mother once was a general in the Vramaasian army, so just wait until she comes back with the heart." Sophia said. Keldeo sighed.
"But Soooophia, Soapy, this time they said that I need to power up before the heart enters this dimension, else all the effort will be worthless!"
Sophia sighed, and got up.
"To be nice, I'll get up, but at least try to work on stabilizing your hoof jets, 'k?" Sophia said. Keldeo nodded, and he used his best powers to teleport them to Cosmo's greenhouse.

"C-cold..." Keldeo muttered.
"Well, this will be a practice setting where you actually have to keep moving to keep the jets up. We tried staying in your stable idle position, and the ice corroded your hooves. It took Cosmo a lot of aloe paste to heal the cracks, and aloe is scarce in Jamaa." Sophia said. Keldeo was clearly a master of water, so the Winter section of the greenhouse was his nightmare.
They kept walking for a while, Sophia sometimes stopping to point out some musical icicles she wanted Keldeo to play to open up a snowy path.
If you had never been here before, you would wonder why they ventured into the heart of the section, but all of the seasonal sections had a small pond in the middle, connected magically to the fountain in the heart of the greenhouse. They said that they contained the power of the elements.
Suddenly, a yeti hopped out from behind a mighty redwood. Keldeo had no idea if redwoods could survive at this temperature normally. Of course, Cosmo was the alpha of plants, so his magic could alter the DNA of any plant, as long as it was willing for the change.
"Hypnoti, pernamate." Sophia said. The yeti yawned, and sleepily lumbered away before it could notice them. Cosmo was nice, but for some reason he let dangerous monsters rent some territory from him.
"I say that this is a sanctuary for flora and fauna, and my magical plant servants keep them stuck in the patch of land I give them." Cosmo had assured Keldeo when the little colt had learned of this disturbing detail.
Even more walking. And more.
Not-so-soon, they reached the spring. It was iced over, with frozen plants at the water's edge, but etched in the ice was an image of Mira and Zios doing sex, but Zios's penis was faint due to his body masking. Keldeo really wished that the image was suitable for the eyes of a colt.
"Do your jets on the ice, there is something underneath." Sophia advised Keldeo. The little colt was shaky, but trotted onto the surface successfully. Then, he willed his hooves to spray water.
The jet of water resulting blasted Keldeo upward, and he barely could manage to keep the water going as the ice melted.
Underneath the thick ice, was a small Sea Heart. The magical heart of blessed water floated upward, attracted to Keldeo's horn. The colt kept the jets up, Sophia watching.
Keldeo watched the Sea Heart slowly come forward...and BAM, Keldeo suddenly started to sprint across the treetops with stable jets, Sophia unable to keep up.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Chroland's Tale

Chrono Tales is a game taking place in Chroland, with a weird story, although the time-travel is interesting...
However, in this vast land, there is a handful of lore, and from that lore sprouts the simplified version in the Alpha Archives...

Once, Zios was watching over the mortal world, when he got sleepy from watching all the animals sleep, and fell asleep. Because of this, he fell into the earth and made a volcano. Zios came out in time, but by then his dreams had become lava, which erupted just as he emerged from the crater. A large expanse of plains was created.
Zios never thought about this "mistake", and left the plains just as a barren wasteland. For millenia, it was untouched. Explorers such as Marco and Sabre have come here and battled the golems that found a home in the sharp rocks, but other than that its existence was a secret.
Then one day, Apophis found the island. He hated how Zios kept making these obstacles to his movement, and forged the Hell Spirit, an orb of lava and nightmares, from the largest black pearl in all of the world. But Mira saw this, and made the Heaven Spirit, an orb of life and joy, from the largest pearl in all of the universe. The Hell Spirit fell into the crater, deep into the Gold Mines.
The Heaven Spirit created all life on the island, and choreographed the harmony between the mystical creatures, humans, and hybrids, a mix of human and monster. But as Apophis grew in power, the Hell Spirit started to awaken. It made ugly creatures such as the Giantfrogs, Nagas, Werewolves, and other creatures as minions.
Because it was made to protect the island from the evil beneath it, the Heaven Spirit sensed this uprising, and split into the Elemental Spirits. Fire Spirit and Water Spirit are some of the best-known.
It came that the moment the Hell Spirit's minions burst out of the volcano, and the humans were terrified. Water Spirit taught them how to fight and harness magic, and so war started.
Many humans and creatures alike died in the horrible war resulting, and bloodshed worried the survivors. Because the war lasted so long, Fire Spirit jokingly dubbed the island Chroland, as in the Latin word Chrono.
The elves hated to see such pain and misery on the island, and crafted the Elf Sword in secrecy, meant to harness the power of darkness for light. Many sacrificed themselves to keep the project going.
When Grass Spirit heard of this, she sent the bravest adventurers to find the Hell Spirit to fulfill the imprisonment. In the Fairy Town, a refuge for those who don't wish for further violence, Rock Spirit made a small shrine with a hole in the bottom, and placed the Elf Sword there. He made many charms to hang on the sword, and many spells to protect the shrine from the wrath of the Hell Spirit and the outside world from intruding. But Rock Spirit knew that one day, the spells wouldn't save the Elf Sword from a hero ( who would be sent back in time after weakening the bonds to fix the damage), and created a line of Keepers to help stop that from destroying the island.
Meanwhile, the adventurers retrieved the Hell Spirit, and almost were too late to stop the impending evil. Most of them died placing the Hell Spirit in the shrine. Chroland was saved, but there was much damage to be fixed.
Around this beginning of a brief period of peace, an oracle named Sandy wrote the Ancient Tome. It foretold that eight years after the horrible war, another would start...and unfortunately, this is actually true.

 This is the end of the Simplified Version, and yet it is long... Farewell, with good wishes for the fate of Chroland!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

LaSalle's "Tail"

LaSalle wandered about the dreary streets in Vramaa, her mother's lullaby resonating in her head.

 The birch in the meadow, tika tika...
Imagine the leaves curling, tika tika...
Oooohhh, tika tika tika...
Tipa tika tika tika...

 Tears stung her eyes as she looked at the armored robots pointing the elf spears at her throat, leading her through the toxic streets to the Dark Fortress, where Aios himself would attend her trial. Lara-Su had told her to never wander towards Alward, where the worst were jailed by the warden Tipi, the worst phantom in existence. Her mother had been executed there at the Skull Plains for being a Jamaasian...
"What will you do to me!" she snarled at the guards. The robots had been poor Vramaasians like her, who had been roboticized to serve Zira and Aios blindly. Acid rained down from the overcast sky, drenching LaSalle with deadly liquid. She used her odd superpowers to protect herself, as Remington, her boyfriend, had been killed by the toxic rain. Days were dangerous in Vramaa, and Zira starved her petty Vrammers.
"We will do what the lord orders, sass," a robot tiger growled. He once had been a friend of LaSalle's, named Kragok. He had disappeared years ago, then had captured her a week ago.
"You all were my friends! Listen, free me at once!" LaSalle snapped. A few were swayed, such as her only lion friends Kaytee and Dimitri, but the others didn't react.
"You are no friend. We serve Aios alone, and no memory of such a sass is in our reach." all of her ex-friends said. Tears streaked down her cheeks. If she could use her powers...
LaSalle shook her head. Her powers were unstable, and besides, these were her friends. If the grey heron in her dreams could arrive now, then there was a chance they could be deroboticized, but the longer they were robots the more unlikely they could be returned to flesh and blood. Besides, Aios's Memory Burn-Thru technology was too advanced, so their memories would be hard to retrieve.
"We are arriving. Try not to slip into the lava, or we will be exiled." Kragok said. The bunny Locke nodded.
LaSalle slipped a glance at the moat.
Lava bubbled as if it grasped the world and wouldn't let go, which meant the bubbles were huge. Obsidian bridges barely held up LaSalle's weight, much less several dozen robots. As she watched, the bridge slowly eroded before her eyes. The bridge, however, was still strong enough to hold out.
The iron gate of the Dark Fortress lifted, and LaSalle was horrified.

 LaSalle was greatly outnumbered.
Even if she could, it would be impossible to escape. All of the robot Vramaa population was gathered to throw jeers at the "Silver Traitor", as she was spawn of a spy and a magical force. Any magic, especially technomagic, which LaSalle had, was illegal in Vramaa. Aios, the rusty mask, and Zira, the scarred eagle, sat on thrones of actual fire opposing LaSalle, which didn't help her horror. She gulped, and used her powers to drive the crowd away. The technomagic worked.
"Silver Traitor, choose your death. Gallows or exile?" Aios asked her in a cracked voice.
All the strange animals burst into the building, the very animals LaSalle dreamed of every night. However, Aios had another trick up his sleeve.
He aimed a small cannon at LaSalle using his own technomagic, and fired the roboticizator at LaSalle. She retained her free will and memory, but her body was forever robotic.
"Alphas, attack!"the panda cried. Zira and Aios growled, and vanished. The fortress started to collapse.
"Run, LaSalle!" the panda shouted. LaSalle had no time to wonder how she knew her name, as the bricks closed her off.

 LaSalle awoke as a spirit in a cotton bed decorated like the grassy fields she always longed to see.
The fox that talked to her in LaSalle's sleep stared deep into her eyes, smiling.
"LaSalle, you are the raccoon alpha of Jamaa, a protector. Come with me, you have much to learn." LaSalle still felt robotic, and clunked her way to the training grounds.

The Adventures Of Marco And Sabre

The Adventures Of Marco And Sabre

Sabre the panther from Ook's Soggy Creek and Smuggler's Highway has been babbling about a faraway kingdom recently. Checking the Alpha's archives, I have found some burned information on some papyrus. Be sure to remember that these stories can be fakes, but there has been no confirmation, so this is the only lore Jamaa leans on today...

 "Really, son?" was the first thing Gilbaatorix said when he saw young Sabre trudge in covered with linen.
It was a new age where the Coraxese were settling down in the north, after separating from the Jamaasians and worshipping Moon instead. Sabre would be a good prince, Gilbaatorix thought, but he had to be more peaceful and stop getting the remains of their ancestors on his platinum armor and leather saddle. For some reason, Sabre thought that having his father ride him like a horse was good exercise.
But the good times would end.
One day, Gilbaatorix's term as king ended on Sabre's twenty-fifth birthday. That was the required age for a Corax to become king, and they had to be royalty, as Gilbaatorix had set. Sabre clung on to his days playing jockey with his dad and "digging" in the Sand-Mouth for treasure by hosting a large party.
"Hello," and "I wonder what the new king will do when he is king" were the only things Sabre could hear as he sat near his birthday cake, twenty-five candles on the exotic icing. Everyone passed the whiskey and salty brownies around as the king took off his platinum crown and placed it on Sabre's head. He was offical prince.
"Dad, what does the rank 'prince' mean?" Sabre asked his father after the party, just when their handmaidens were finishing their cleaning shifts. Panthers like them were smart, but despite the odds Sabre had never heard the term "prince" be used to describe him before. Gilbaatorix smiled.
"Son, it is a rank of royalty that is like a deputy to a clan leader. You have the right to command a portion of the military, and succeed me to the throne, but you have no rights whatsoever to seize full control. Understand?" Gilbaatorix whispered so that their servants didn't think Sabre was an idiot.
Sabre looked up at his father's new platinum crown grander than his previous one, and wondered if he would be that great a prince.

 "Take off that stupid saddle!" was the first thing Sabre heard in the morning afterwards. Sabre looked up from his feather mattress, and saw Madeline, the annoying koala he hated. Apparently, his father was busy sorting out disputes between peasants, and paid Madeline half-price to watch Sabre, because her ugly makeuped face was carved into a pout. Sabre took off his saddle, because he didn't feel like having his stuffed animal Ted ride him.
Ted, who was under his covers.
Madeline didn't mind, of course, but Sabre felt like Ted was a friend, not a trophy, so he hid Ted where there was little view but good air.
Sabre sighed, and got up so that he could train a bit.

 Ten years later...

 Sabre was now king, as Gilbaatorix had died protecting his kingdom fighting frost dragons. Everyone said that he had died nobly, but Sabre didn't feel like that.
He felt like Gilbaatorix had left him for his world to get shattered, and despite his training he had not been prepared.
Mental damage is the damage that really hurts, Madeline had told him a mere year ago. Now she was dead, because of him. He had been practicing the spell to summon the Yeti, and all of a sudden a frost dragon had come, bringing more on its trail.
Madeline and her family had been trampled in the chaos resulting.
Sabre had passed harsh laws to prevent that happening again, and now riots were frequent around his palace.
The protesters threw rocks saying that magic shouldn't be limited, there was another way, et cetera. However, Sabre was gone.
Now, Sabre was packing up his room, using magic to stuff his room into a sack like a paper painting, along with Ted and all his possessions.
"Oh, Father, please forgive me for leaving Corax without a heir to the throne..." Sabre pleaded to the sky, wherever his father was. Gilbaatorix seemed to listen, as  Sabre felt a wave of calm spread over him. His father's voice spoke in his mind.
Go to the Duat docks. Go. Meet the armored penguin, and set sail for Ook. Secrets and danger await...Go.
The voice repeated itself in Sabre's head over and over, over and over, as he slunk  to the magic docks, sack and all.
He had no idea what awaited him, or what would become of his penguin friend, who would become the penguin alpha...

Spirit Troopers

Spirit Troopers

 The Phantom King slid the purple shard into the phantom's body, and suddenly it radiated powers of evil.
"Well, I stole these from the Shard Cave in distant Ook, so use their magic wisely."the Phantom King said. The phantoms bowed, and walked away to be replaced by new recruits. He was sure that this time, those pesky Alphas couldn't stop him.

 Amelia was doing fine with Ka in her brain, but now she needed more food and exercise to sustain herself and Ka. She didn't mind, of course, but both her and Ka were drained from hunting down elk to eat. She pummeled the elk, Ka wormed his way into its dim mind to make it easier to kill. By the time it was dusk, Amelia fell onto the bed, drained.
It turned out that Ka was actually a good "parasite", as he was quite helpful, and their thoughts were quite similar, so they got along just fine. But now Greely insisted on training Ka by hosting him during mealtimes and throwing his worst nightmares at him, so when Amelia threw some of her pancakes and hamburgers at Ka, he barely ate at all.
 But now, Ka kept on telling her his being kept on sensing parts of him nearby---in other hosts. So Amelia told Lisa to go look for the hosts, which was a few hours ago, but now she was in the bathtub relaxing Ka's mind, and hers. Amelia still wondered if she had made a good decision...before the phantom came.

 The phantom seemed to be normal, but punched her with mighty power. She lunged, and barely destroyed it. But the tears ripped away to reveal a crude shard of Ka, and the phantom respawned. Amelia tore the shard to dust. Ka seemed to notice that bit of himself.
"Amelia, I have a bad feeling that if there are more of these troopers, they could destroy Jamaa, and I want to destroy Ook instead. If you let me leave you, then I will be able to make the Shadow Heart bigger by splicing those shards long-distance. Trust me, or I will be charged with the makings of another war!" Ka shouted in her mind. Amelia closed her eyes, and imagined a thread between her and Ka, a strong silk thread. She imagined the claws of time eat at the bond, slowly straining their connection. As she vomited the Shadow Heart up, the image went blank.
 "Ka, destroy those shards!" Amelia shouted. The heart glowed with energy, and a few shards attached to it. Amelia felt like there still was a stable bond between her mind and Ka's. More shards attached, and Amelia was blinded by a blast of light. When the burst subsided, the Shadow Heart was barely swallowable.
"Well, now you see my powers, and this is only a small fraction of what I can do. Together, we can save Jamaa from this evil.After all, am the villain, not those blarney-faced phantoms."Ka said.
"Do you have even the slightest idea what 'blarney' means?" Amelia asked Ka.
"Nope," he replied, "not the slightest of an idea."

Wings Of Dread

Wings Of Dread

 Amelia tossed and turned, groaned and moaned, and even  tore her bedsheets to shreds before she got out of her bed.
Today was an especially hot day, and Lisa still expected her to "rest well". So she decided to sneak into Greely's room.
Greely was asleep, and Amelia suspected that there was no way she could convince him to watch the stars with her at midnight, especially since that made him nostalgic for Shade. Amelia's attention was diverted to a table before her, though.
A frame with green palm leaves lay on the table, unfinished, but Amelia could clearly see that they were wings. The leaves sparkled, showing her that they were enchanted.
Now, a normal animal would turn away at the sight of those wings, because they defied the normal nature of Jamaa, and magic items always led to trouble. But Amelia was daring, and she plucked the wings off the table as one would pluck a bird's feather.

 Every breeze tonight was hot, which meant that riding the wind, Amelia would probably rise high enough to cool down as she flapped.
Good thing that Greely had finished the wings enough to add some Velcro to attach to fur, else Amelia would have to wake up Graham to finish them.

And Graham was grumpy if he didn't get enough sleep every night, believe me.
So Amelia started flapping, and she rose and rose. Pollen sparkled in the breeze, as it was of rare fruit, and Amelia frolicked among the evening birds and owls. She laughed out loud several times, watching a few night Jammers the size of ants, at least to her. Amelia didn't pay attention to the ground, though, and soon was flying over the coast to the open sea.
 Storm clouds and tailwinds threatened Amelia, but by the time she realized she was far from land, she was indeed very, very far from land. Amelia jerked this way and that, barely dodging vultures and lightning.
Then, Amelia approached land, but alas, it wasn't Jamaa! Instead, she saw a land larger than Jamaa, and lowered herself down to get a better look.
 Amelia was shocked at how much the land looked like Jamaa. The land was lush, yet tainted faintly by a long-ago war, which sounded a lot like Jamaa.
Monkeys that looked different from the monkeys in Jamaa played ball all around, but many heroes also battled monsters in crumbling ruins using weapons the Alphas used in the First Phantom War. What was going on?
Then, she saw a sign that read:

                                   Welcome To Ook

 and knew that she was in this land called "Ook". Amelia kept flying around, and learned more about this strange land of Ook. There were five tribes called Crossroads, Sea Dragons, Chim Foo, Ootu Mystics, and Ice Raiders. There was also some sort of steampunk tribe, but Amelia saw nothing about that tribe. She learned all about the Monkey King by overhearing conversations, blah blah blah, but then she saw some sort of glint in Z'or. The glint enticed her to come to it, and Amelia couldn't help but to swoop down and look.

 The glint was very hard to detect once she entered the cold field of energy around Z'or, which burned like icefire. Something powerful was nearby, as not even the Coraxese ice palace atmosphere burned this much, and the palaces were teeming with spells.
Icicles froze her several times, but her muscles managed to wriggle her out. There were some weird "Spikers", squirrels that came out of the snow to shoot spikes, but she easily clawed them into little magic pieces. 
 Amelia guessed the myths were different in Ook despite the striking similarity to Jamaa, because the monsters died differently and they worshipped other magic protectors, which Amelia expected.
After a lot of struggling against the wind currents, she found a place deep in the heart of Z'or. Icicles formed a makeshift prison around a dark purple amethyst, which radiated a sort of icefire. Amelia shivered, since icefire was so powerful that it burned and froze you at the same time, like frostbite, only that it had many complicated magic properties even Greely had yet to figure out.
Amelia read the runes on a stone, and it seemed to explain the founding of Ook, in the Jamaasian myth and the Ook myth. It seemed as if the Jamaasians had the full story, but you could never be sure with mythology.
The stone rose, and a gnarled face that seemed like a cross between Apophis and a beat-up phantom appeared in the smoke inside the stone. Amelia now saw that it was shaped like a crude heart.
What is your desire... the stone whispered. The whisper was more of a rasp, the makings of the earth's blood and the smoke.
Amelia faced the stone boldly, and the face smiled.
Oh, young one, I am the Shadow Demon Ka, a sleeping serpent that was created from Apophis, as the legend states. That proud Monkey King shattered me with this little stick... argh, if he was still alive, I would bash him with my best minions! Ka snarled. Amelia knew that Ka was more powerful than all the phantoms combined, and now wondered how Ook  got by with such an evil creature under the surface. Then again, the evil monsters wererunning loose.
 Oh, of all creatures, it is me that knows you Alphas are fighting a hopeless battle. Your desire is one I could fulfill, if you gave in. I needn't no questions, my tentacles read minds mighty fine. Your desire is to make yourself accepted as a rogue. Well, my family are unruly rogues! You would be more than welcome to join me...if you wish. Ka whispered. Amelia stared at Ka unblinkingly. He sure did persuade well, but her oaths would stop her from treachery. Sensing her thoughts, the stone whispered even more.
You know my limits, as a rogue, so you know my vast power reserves can cut those bonds as easily as you would cut a cucumber. And with those sharp claws, you can cut anything. Amelia, if you don't swear oaths to join me as a lieutenant, at least free the stone from the cage and bring me to Jamaa... I promise, without the other Shadow Shards I cannot assist any evil or escape your bonds. After all, your curses and oaths are stronger than mine... Ka said. Amelia knew that she would need Ka later on to save Jamaa, so she went over her options as the stone just floated there, Ka's Shadow Heart taking in the new icicles that had grown around the stone. The Shadow Heart was the center of Ka's spirit, which meant that all the Shadow Shards had to connect to it to regenerate Ka.
"Fine," Amelia said boldly, "but you will have to swear my oaths."
Ka smiled.
I swear that I shall not destroy Jamaa, nor help the Phantom legions in any way, and if I break any oath or not  bend to your will, the heart of me will be shattered into a million pieces. Ka said, doing the oath Amelia was just about to give him. And so, she hacked apart his bonds and put the Shadow Heart between her paw and the leaf wings.

 "You brought a deadly demon HERE?!" Marco shouted, pounding his table of maps and plans. Amelia nodded, holding the Shadow Heart in a linen cloth between her jaws.
"Yes, I made Ka swear oaths, and I will let him possess me until further notice." Amelia said. Marco sighed.
"Well, if anyone were to be trusted, it would be you, but Sabre warned me a long time ago when we were friends that Ka were not to be trusted. If you let him possess you, be safe." Marco said under his breath. Amelia let her body absorb Ka. 

{Another} Part Three

[Another] Part Three

 Inside, there were ghosts dressed in spiritual robes, definitely phantoms that died long ago. The ghosts took no heed of King, but he stepped around them carefully anyway. He had to scream three times before he could get over his fear.
The next room wasn't much better.
Gold, crystals, rubies, diamonds and other minerals of value were scattered at his paws, beckoning him to step on them. Only, the big ones were screaming "Don't touch me!" and the little ones "Embrace me!" King was confused, and avoided them altogether. He couldn't help but cry out in confusion.
And the next room was even more disturbing.
King saw himself in the room, holding a knife and killing young kits in a basket, lips blood-caked. Blood was spread on bread, blood was in jars, blood was slowly becoming a monster that seemed more phantom than monster. Just as the monster groped for him, he was in another dreadful room. King screamed.
This time, Greely was here.
Greely was staring at his paws, ignoring everything in the room full of goodies. King walked around Greely, threw pies in his face, slashed Greely until his claws were bloody, but Greely kept muttering the same thing:
"Oh, dear, I should have cut my claws today...insanity and greed...order and balance...Amelia and me...Harper and Marco...Love is insane...Spill the blood, Admiral! Get the orb!"
King had no idea what Greely was doing, but he didn't have time to ponder the matter.
And another room loomed above King, but now he was at a crossroads. He was about to run for Momma as shadows crept along the walls, laughing, when a rugged wolf appeared in the doorway to his right, staring at him.
King found himself following the wolf into a small antechamber, where a tapestry and a pure orb sat under the cloak of darkness.
"King, anyone unworthy of forgiveness would be insane by now. I am proud that finally somebody can stand such torture, and you may be purified by this orb..." the wolf said, smiling. King hadn't felt  that tortured, but he took it as a trophy anyway.
 He was skeptical, after hearing Crazy Greely in the last room, but he smashed his face into the glass.

 King was in the Township, but now everyone was chanting his name.
"King, King, King."
He felt proud, and smiled to the sun as all of Jamaa lifted him up on their shoulders, and King thought:
Maybe scamming isn't that good after all.

{A} Part Two

A Part Two

 King awoke in paradise.
 A lush temple around him grew bursting plants, with not-so-faded marks in the stone. Scents of rare and exotic flowers drifted in his nose by breeze, and the temperature was just perfect.
Evil may have lurked here before, as there were a few phantom corspes hanging from the trees, but everything was at ease. A river flowed nearby, the insects and birds sang in harmony, and the grass seemed to form a bed around King. A few birds-of-paradise looked down in his eyes, which he found creepy.
"Where am I?" King asked his newfound friends.
"In the Lost Temple Of Mira,of course!" a bird that had two large forehead plumes squawked. The other birds nodded.
"I thought that Jamaa Township was Mira's temple!" King complained, but the birds shushed him.
"Yes, it is sacred to the Sky Mother, but this is a temple the Alphas still have yet to show to the public!"the birds said. Somehow, Elvanto had implanted knowledge of Mira in his mind, despite his fuzzy mind. King's mind was full of questions, but first he wanted to explore. So he got up, and went out a crumbling doorway.
The birds made no attempt to stop him, and started preening as if nothing had happened.
King saw many various plants and animals, along with a lily lake and a crumbling courtyard with various buildings and artifacts scattered around.
If you had read the Mira Gate, those events happened a long time ago, and since then the place has grown lusher and less tainted by the years. Today, it is known as the Paradise Party's location. The well is just where the Timekeepers once stood, as they had crumbled away to nothing.
 Suddenly, Elvanto's voice came back just as King was enjoying himself.
"Since you have sinned in the Jamaa Township, Greely asked me to embark you on a mission. I agreed. Follow the bane, and retrieve the orb..."Elvanto said, but the breeze swept his words away.
Probably an old enchantment that prevented any phantom contact, King thought. A silver coin dropped from the sky, and it landed on his fur, and melted into his flesh. Suddenly, King felt a desire to go into the most intact building in the forest. So he went in, and discovered quite a fright.

To be continued...

When Marks Teach Lessons

When Marks Teach Lessons

 King Majormajor walked around the Township, and suddenly had an idea.
He snuck to Mira's ruined shrine, and changed into ripped robes. Mira's eyes stared down at him with pity, although he swore that her eyes were never like that. King walked back into the township, and collapsed.
"I am poor, send me unwanted stuff!"he cried with his best poor voice. A few Jammers sent some blue Macaws, and cards attached to items rained down on him. King laughed.
"You are foolish, I was scamming! Now may Mira make you even more stupid!" King shouted, and ran. The Jammers made no attempt to catch him, which was unusual for King.
 Most of the time his victims chased him screaming "SCAMMER."
He lay under Mira's wings, looking at the sky and his new rares. Suddenly, a voice echoed through the Township.
"King, if you are really a King, then I dare you to climb Mt. Shiveer!" the voice shouted.
"Who are you?" King shouted back. The voice laughed.
"I am the ghost of Elvanto, the wretched Phantom assassin! I dared defy good, and I died at the hand of Harper! My dares cannot be refused...and only those who are truly wretched can hear me, go try."the voice said. A chill went down King's spine, and his paws moved against his will. The voice laughed again.
 King's mouth moved against his will as he emerged into the crowd as Jammers chattered like birds.
"Anyone hear that Phantom?" he asked the crowd.
Everyone was silent for a moment, then started laughing.
"You are lying, scammer. Go ahead and climb the mountains!" everyone laughed. King's face turned beet red, and he fled to the mountain against his will, although he would have done it anyway.

 King scampered over the thin ice covering a spring, and went up the path, past the slide, past the cave, past the magic boundaries. Suddenly, the weather grew harsher, and yet Elvanto insisted on staying as a tour guide.
"Dis is where the Ram Spirit Stone was destroyed, and now it hangs with a replica in the Shiveer Shoppe and Jam Mart Clothing. Mira was angry, and sent a storm all the way from Cloud Peak. It still rages today."Elvanto said. As if that wasn't obvious.
  King kept climbing the mountain, as harsh as the weather could be. Somehow, Elvanto controlled his muscles so that he couldn't turn back.
He could only go forward.
 King slipped, and Elvanto made no attempt to hold him up.
Then again, he was just a ghost.
"Argh!"he shouted as he barely got a pawhold on the sheer cliff.
Rocks tumbled down the slope, plunging into the forest below.
"Help!" King shouted, but his claws slipped from the rock, and he was plunged into darkness.

 To be continued...

The Creation Of Ook

The Creation Of Ook

 You may wonder why I'm doing a MonkeyQuest myth, but it is one that I retrieved from the oldest archives of the Chamber Of Knowledge, at the back of the shelf. Those old tomes are really dusty, you know.
 This is a tale of Zios, and here is how it goes...


 by Amy Jiao

 Zios was not satisfied when he created Jamaa, and snuck off with some of Mira's feathers and a few pieces of Jamaa in the darkest part of the night.
 He found an empty patch of ocean far from Jamaa, and started to weave, for he could string thread of the fabric of time as easily as a human may do a Cat's Cradle.
The Crossroads area came first, as a small crater where he cast the first feather. The feather made a small lake, and brought up some lava in a nearby crater where Zios threw the second feather.
 Grass and trees grew, and the temples dedicated to Zios's monkey form sprang up. Since Zios was Father Sky, he could become any animal, and so sometimes roamed among the mortals. Sometimes, he would actually fuse with a certain animal, and that animal would be chosen to become an Alpha to guard the Spirit Stones he had made out of his own soul.
Next, Zios created Jade Mountain, where large reservoirs of Jade lay. This time, he created a mostly barren land, but with plenty of rivers, bamboo and Foo pandas, pandas with a larger appetite and a very bouncy fat store under their hide than Jamaasian pandas.
 Zios still wasn't satisfied, and made a mountain range, along with small trees to supply wood, the tall mountain of Z'or that ruled them all, and plenty of walruses for meat.
 Yet, Zios thought some things were missing. So he created an area where swamps and bogs were common, and the earth's blood seeped up to feed the overgrown plants.
 However, Zios liked to do his best, and made a final part of the land.
A beach sprung up with a small island off the coast of the landmass, and he created  many ocean animals to roam the bay. At that moment, he named the land Ook, because the land seemed to act like a monkey's land to him.
That was it! The intelligent people of the land would be monkeys! So Zios created monkeys, but they weren't very smart. So instead, he created mystical creatures to evolve into smarter monkeys, and recalled the stupid monkeys back to his mana reserves.
 But Apophis was still in the Sea Of Chaos, as Zios hadn't customized Earth much yet, and he was up to no good.
So Apophis broke off a piece of himself, and created Ka, the Shadow Demon. Ka, and his evil minions, haunted the land. and covered Ook with their souls, as the phantoms desire in Jamaa.
Zios was horrified, and broke Ka into a million pieces, and put each of the pieces into a chest, all of which were scattered across the land. Since Zios's land was nearly destroyed by then, he recreated everything, but remade the monkeys, and a chameleon to instruct his next hero, the Monkey King.
Zios was tired, and barely made anything else. He named the chameleon Enzo, and tried to make both the Monkey King and Enzo as much as he could like himself, but both were a tad vain. So he created five monkeys, and placed them in the corners of Ook.

 Zios went back to his bed of stars in mixed feelings that night, as he thought over the creation of Ook.

The Snake, The Fox, Miroza and the Mask

The Snake, The Fox, Miroza and the Mask

 It was a normal day for Miroza, dreaming of Jamaa and other things. She was watching Zios craft Ook out of pieces of Jamaa when suddenly, a strong gale whisked her spirit off to Mira's resort....Cloud Peak, a mountain overlooking the Lost Temple Of Mira, where the dream gate fed it's well-being. Miroza rarely bumped her dreams against her mother's, in pain and sorrow for her painful life.

 Amelia wasn't having a normal day, either.
She was watching the stars outside the Alpha Hut when suddenly, Greely pounced on her wearing a Gothic cloak. The black stunned her for a moment, but then Amelia pinned Greely to the ground. The cloak fell off.
 It seemed like Greely had hesitated to pin her and kiss her, because her lovely face seemed to not want wolf slobber all over. Amelia sought out the fault in his pathetic pin.
"Men,"she snarled,"always falling for a pretty face. You ought to go to Cloud Peak and see the true meaning of beauty!" Greely looked shocked, but Amelia gave him a lick anyway, and let him up.
"Greely,"she asked the grey wolf as they both collected themselves,"you don't usually do such things to your girlfriend. Not even Shade experienced this. What on Jamaa is wrong with you?" Amelia looked at Greely's aging face, seeking the smallest crack in his soul for her to see his heart.
"Well, Amelia,"he said after a short period of evaluating what he wanted to say,"I've sensed an abnormal change in Miroza's dreams. We must teleport to Cloud Peak, where all the old Alphas are waiting to be reborn. I hear that the raccoon alpha has been reborn a while ago, and Mira will get him/her to Jamaa...Oh, how Mira erased our memories of the alphas not yet reborn!"
Amelia took Greely with her to Cloud Peak at the word "reborn", but not before letting out a cry to let the other alphas know where she was.

 Miroza put her feet on the clouds, and looked up at Mira perched on a throne of dreams from a time long ago.
Mira smiled. Miroza struggled to smile back.
"Daughter, I wish that we saw each other awake...My, have you grown in your sleep! In my dreams, I have created a son from the souls of your guardian kestrels... So, take Zilch the snake to the Lost Temple Of Zios back in the Beta times, and fuse him to the door and his mask to the curtain. Travel back in time with my blessed powers." Mira said, planning out what she wanted Miroza to do.
"Mom, but why? And my own powers are sufficient  you know, or even this Zilch we know of." Miroza complained. Mira shook her head.
"No, I'll take the pain for you any day, Miroza. Parents do that, although Zios is a bad parent, not attempting to come back for Zilch, you, and to rid Jamaa of the phantoms." Mira looked hurt talking about Zios, so Miroza put the subject aside.
 Just then, Zilch appeared in Miroza's golden talons, wearing a white paper monkey mask. The snake was as wonderful brown, just like wood. Amelia and Greely also appeared, and seeing that Miroza had a job to do, they distracted Mira from the pain of her mana being depleted by chatting with her.
 Miroza used the dream gate to travel back in time, back to the Beta times.

 Nobody recognized her, as they were teaching the young Jammers about Jamaa. Snowyclaw was somewhere in the crowd, as Miroza could sense the little hero in there.
 Miroza crept to the door that would be Brady Barr's lab  years later, and fused Zilch there so that he could watch her sleep peacefully. The snake appeared to be a tribute to snakes, as Jamaasians valued all animal species, so the phantoms wouldn't suspect anything.
Next, Miroza fused the mask to the curtain. The mask was the eyes of Zilch, as the door was only an anchor for his spirit.
"Watch my dreams, O' brother."she whispered to Zilch, and the eyes sprang to life, at least deep in the Dreams.
But Miroza wanted a tribute on the marble to remind Zilch who he was to watch. Miroza scraped the etches of her image in the marble, and traveled back to the present to once again watch her dreams.

Where The Scarves Venture

Where The Scarves Venture

 save image
These scarves have been left on the racks despite the weather for a while now, as if waiting for the perfect owner. But who placed them there, and why? This story may been more magical than it seems...

 Greely had been tampering with the wool scarves for a while now, and was getting tired from mana drainage. Suddenly, though, a red scarf moved, then the white one!
"Scarves, wrap yourself around Otto so he isn't so cold." Greely commanded, but the scarves looked away, if they had eyes.
"Walk over to Otto the elephant to wrap yourselves around him...."Greely growled at the finicky scarves, even going as far to project a memory of Otto to their petty little minds, but the scarves had other plans.
"Wait!"Greely shouted, but it was too late.
The scarves had plopped into the SALE basket of winter clothes Harper had wove from satyr wool, and the owner of the Jam Market absentmindedly picked up the basket and strolled to the rack outside the old castle.

 As the scarves were hung on the rack, the owner dropped the SALE label into the snow, and it was never found again. The Jammers awoke the next snow day, and took many of the scarves for themselves. Later, the owner realized that those scarves outside were his, and placed them on the shelves as Jamaaliday scarves. However, the first scarves Greely had enchanted refused to be moved from the rack, and to this day they hang mysteriously outside the castle.
But what was Jam Mart before it became a shop, and why was the Mart owner so absentminded? However, that is a story for another day...