Sunday, February 23, 2014

Meet me, Princess Spiritstar Chapter 2: What are phantoms?

I looked at those fleeing strange things. Those are phantoms? "Starr, p -phantoms are f-feared by all. Even the b-bravest s-souls. Th-they... they can make you sh-sh-shadow-ey!" Blaze stuttered slowly. The phantoms emerged towards us. Then a mighty roar came and then the phantoms disappeared into mist. That tremendous roar was from Gilb! "Gilb!" I holler. "Starr, don't shout." He whispered quietly. "Lets go home now."

"And then Gilb saved me!" Even Mom was amazed. "That's great Starr. And thank you Gilb." She said proudly. Then she started to look disappointed. "But Blaze, I am very disappointed in you. Why did you make Starr go in there?" Blaze blushed. "Sh-she went in there first! I was worried and I went in to get her out!" He said weakly. "Starr would never do such a thing though!" Mom growled softly. "You know what's happening tonight? The meteor shower is happening tonight, and guess what? You're not going!" That's when she growled loudly. Haha, I thought. This is going to be the best night of my life.

End of Chapter Two

Monday, February 10, 2014

Sorry Also

Hey guys, just so you guys know, I won't post much because my mom is worried about that I spend too much time on "Social Media" and I don't know these people. The other day while I was in the bath my mom was sending out emails (On my account) and looking at them too. WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. She was all like "Dink dink dink you are on youtube you are not allowed to go on there!" And also Amy, she said that you might be a psycho killer or a 40 year old guy like my uncle (EWWWW!). So yeah. I may post every week, or not every week. Plus school is LOOOOOOOONG. So yeah.

~Princess Spiritstar

I'm not going to meet anyone I meet online in real life, and besides, it's okay. :) And yes, nothing is guaranteed on the Internet, so your mom has her reasons to want you to get off the computer. :P I barely can get on anyway because I'm more busy and all...

Sunday, February 9, 2014


I'm writing a novel called "Spreading Your Wings", which is about a 15-year old girl from the future named Mallory Hope, who is held down by the chains of oppression and fear, held down by the Superior and Organization 42 (she works for it) from truly spreading her "wings". It's a story about "growing up, rebellion and flying enchiladas."....
So I can't work on the last installment of Hyrestia Tales (or two), and Roar of the Mira Feather, at least not unless I'm in the mood....
But on the bright side, I have more time to write a short story about the Eagle Spirit Stone once they are released, and I'll include new features in the stories.
Spoiler Alert:
Drakons are included in Hyrestia Tales. The Blue Heron makes it debut in Roar of the Mira Feather. Ekrol shows up (maybe before the Blue Heron part, maybe not), and you'll learn more about the ways of the "Golden Kingdom".

Friday, February 7, 2014

Meet me, Princess SpiritStar Chapter 1: My Family

Hello everyone, I am Princess SpiritStar, a writer. I like to write books and stories and read them to others. I feel very lucky to be invited to write stories on this great blog. My brother is Sir Gilbert, though I am a snow leopard. Here is my story;

Chapter 1
I wake up. My mom is dragging a deer to us. Gilb follows. "Mom!" I yell. "You're back!" "Yes little Starr. I missed you too." Starr was my name. I kinda liked it. "Ugh Mom how come you never missed me when you were gone?" Blaze, my other brother said that. He is really cranky and jealous of Gilb. 
Later, after breakfast, we went to play. Gilb said that he had to do some stuff. I was very sad because I have to go with Blaze. Ugh. When I'm with Gilb, we pretend we are giraffes and sometimes dolphins. It's fun when we get to climb trees and look into the distance. Then as dolphins, we go into the water and swim. "Come on, runt." I hate it when he calls me that.
"Ok, now we aren't gonna play. We are gonna go into the Shadow Cave." Blaze said. The Shadow Cave is a cave that me and Gilb discovered. We didn't go into it, because only Zios knows what's in there. WAIT WHO IS ZIOS???!?!????
We walk in. "You scared of the dark?" He teases. "No!" I shout. "Well if you shout, the rocks will fall." He makes a howling sound. "AHH!" I got really scared. "Haha." He says. "No not that! What are those things!?!" He watched in horror at these weird black things that had a lot of paws and each had one eye. I laughed because he got scared. "Starr, those are PHANTOMS!"

End of chapter one.