Thursday, May 9, 2013


This is off-topic, I know, but its a favor I'm doing for my friend. Enchantix is just a by-product of Zios's experiments, as is Ook and Chroland.

Xavier and Anna sat on the beach, basking in the sun.
California was a nice place, with its sunny weather and desirable attractions. They were 12-year old American twins, both Twoleg.
Now, they weren't aware of the diabolical Mr. Eve from Enchantix, a faraway land, was watching them carefully with his droids. An ancient prophecy Zios himself had spoke of, well, spoke of two Twolegs named Xavier and Anna destroying the darkness covering Enchantix.
Despite his powers from the Dark Mira Feather, even Mr. Eve was worried.
"Hey, Anna? We would get a better tan if we swam in the shiny sea!" Xavier said. Their umbrella fluttered in the wind, but despite the dull roar of the sea and other people Anna heard nothing.
After all, she had a hearing aid that barely worked.
Despite her poor hearing, she managed to hear Xavier and nodded, stretching the two-piece she wore.
"Well, I didn't come here to sit on the sand all day, after all! Last one to the sandcastle is a rotten egg!"
She sprinted off, as fast as Sonic on a skateboard.
Seriously, she was that fast.
Xavier was doomed from the start.
He panted, Anna already far into the surf. She was laughing and splashing the rocks nearby, kicking up a miniature sandstorm underneath the surface.
"Having fun, huh? Next time, I'll beat you down!" grumbled Xavier.
Anna playfully looked at him, her teal eyes sparkling.
"X-egg, you always say that! I'll ALWAYS beat you, duh!" she said, and ran even further out.
X-egg was her nickname for him, because his skin was even creamer than Anna's. Every day in Makata, California, he had to apply layers and layers of sunblock to protect him from melanoma and other dangers.
Suddenly, Anna was pulled under, despite the water being only up to her chest.
"Warrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Anna screamed, her cries growing fainter.
Today, their parents were talking to the Makata mayor since they were Secret Service agents, so they had a day off with Nanny Abby.
Abby just swagged whiskey all day and read "Fashion" despite being fat. Ugh, she would beat the twins if they didn't say she was hot! Jabba-Jabba looked prettier.
Without a second thought, he dove in after her.

He awoke in a tube, tubes dripping some sort of liquid into his arm. A tube pushed air into his nose, since he was frozen in some sort of paralyzing goo. He was barely concious.
Xavier forced himself to twist his neck to look at the tube next to him, pain shooting up his veins.
Anna was in a worse situation, her body engulfed with odd creatures and her tubes barely even supplying air.
He wiggled inside the jelly, but it was useless.
Xavier was just about to give up hope when weird centaur-guys burst in brandishing scythes and guns, an odd assortment of weapons.
Where was he, and who were those centaur-guys?
"Charge, Ploompies!" the tallest one cried.
Xavier almost laughed out loud when he heard the name. Ploompies? Not very scary!
His laughter was silenced when they shot precise bullets out of their guns, though, and burst them out. Anna's eyes fluttered open.
The creatures hissed and slithered towards the ploompies, but were shot dead by the leader Ploompy's rifle.
"Get out, heroes of Enchantix! Mr. Eve will be here soon!" said the leader.
Anna and Xavier were eager to get out and rip their cords to shreds, but the alarms were already threatening their escape.
With one last glance behind them, they saw the creatures starting to follow them.
Then, everything went black.

The next time both of them came to, they were propped up like dolls on rocks, a Ploompy trying to feed them some sort of jellyfish cuisine.
The leader glanced over at them and smiled.
"Anna, Xavier, welcome to Enchantix. We are the Ploompies, a race of warriors roaming Enchantix and rebelling against the mutant Ploompy Mr. Matticus Eve. He is searching for the seven crown jewels of King Muttonmaxis to power his Dark Mira Feather and unleash the USP, or Ultimate Secret Power. The USP was protected since Zios created us, as it could destroy all of Enchantix. He has a glass globe of miniature Mr. Eves currently looking for the jewels. We have one jewel, but its powers still aren't potent enough alone to destroy Mr. Matticus Eve. Each jewel has enough power to keep you with decent energy, but all seven need to be combined to make the USP. The USP and the Dark Mira Feather combined are enough to make Mr. Eve as strong as Apophis, maybe even stronger. But before the last ruler of Enchantix died, he issued a prophecy witht the help of Father Sky himself foretelling of Mr. Eve's downfall. Of course, it was burned, but it was too late for the dark side." the Ploompy said.
"Who are Mira, Zios, Mr. Eve and Apophis?" asked Anna.
"Anna Boxavus, I will explain. Before I tell you the legend of the world's creation, I will tell you my name. My name is Ethan." Ethan said, moving his grey-skinned hands to make some odd gestures.
The fire behind them crackled, the other Ploompies roasting beef marshmallows.
"I'm vegan, and I find that horrid." Anna grumbled when she saw the texture of the brown marshmallows.
Xavier and Ethan ignored her.
Before Anna could start calling the Ploompies bastards and dicks as she did to anyone who violated veganese (vegans') laws, Ethan told them a briefing of the Jamaasian legends. As his melodious voice tumbled over their ears, the grass and trees (that seemed like they were from a Dr. Seuss book) seemed to turn and listen. Their whispers encouraged Ethan to keep on talking.
Moonlight illuminated the face of Ethan, adding an undertone about the many tragedies Jamaa had been through. He somehow even knew of Frost's tales.
After he finished his tales, the Twolegs were silent for a moment. They shivered in the gale around them due to still being in their swimsuits.
"Well, if we have to, we'll help overthrow Mr. Matticus Eve... I guess.. But you're saying that he found the only feather of Mira poisoned by her tears and became a snake with claws? And that he had tubes channeling its energy through his blood?" Xavier wondered out loud. "It sounds like something from a science fiction movie. How many of the gems does Mr. Eve even have?"
Ethan's face darkened.
"He has five," said Ethan. " and he thinks you two possess the sixth."

When Anna heard that, she LOLed.
Seriously, that was ridiculous! Even that topaz they found in the beach couldn't be that powerful!
Her laughter died down.
Ethan had the ruby, so it was safe. However, Mr. Eve had the opal, emerald, sapphire, pearl, and amethyst. So the sixth one, the topaz... was in Anna's hands.
"I am sorry to say this, but I have the topaz." Anna said sternly. Xavier's eyes widened like dinner plates, then relaxed a bit when he realized what she meant.
 She took out the topaz from her swimsuit pocket, and watched the small bubble of air inside it glow.
Ethan watched it as if it brought back bad memories.
"We should get down to business. We have the ruby, which warns us of impending danger, and the topaz, that clears our minds, but Mr. Eve has a greater amount. However, if we hold out much longer we will be destroyed by his minions. So we have no choice but to go to the Chaos Mansion and face him." Ethan growled in his throat.
Anna started to complain about his plan, but Ethan touched her and she passed out, her mouth foaming and her eyes green.
"What did you do to my sister!" Xavier exclaimed.
"I injected a dose of shadure into her. She will be 'dead' for a month so that she can prepare her body. Unless you let yourself be injected, I can pernamently kill you." Ethan snarled.
Xavier struggled, but Ethan's nail dug into his neck, and he froze in place.

A month later, he awoke to sunlight. Anna was picking flowers nearby, and had piled some tansies next to him. The Ploompies had laid some broiled eggs and water down for him to consume.
He didn't harbor a grudge against Ethan, though, because the shadure had strengthened him during his sleep. Every movement was streamlined and his energy didn't drain well.
Xavier got up, and walked straight to the armory.
How he knew where it was, Xavier didn't know.
The Ploompies ignored him, talking amongst themselves and sharpening their bullets and blades on whetstones from the river.
Most of the armor was designed for a tall Ploompy, but he managed to find some children's armor to fit him. He also found a decent gun to use, although he didn't want to be a gang guy quite yet.
He felt embarrassed wearing Cinderella armor on a sweltering hot day.
Suddenly, he remembered Aunt Abby and how worried his parents would be.
As if reading his thoughts, a Ploompy turned to him.
"Don't worry, a second in your world is a month for us. Aunt Abby won't notice." the Ploompy said, then turned around and started to reload its bazooka again, muttering about the fineness of the tip.
Anna walked over to him, her creamy skin covered with white gossamer silk.
"It's a fine day, isn't it? A perfect day to protect bunnies, X-egg!" she teased with her light voice.
Xavier sighed, wondering if it was good that things were unusually peaceful.
Like the calm before a storm.
Suddenly, Ethan charged out of the crowd of Ploompies, and whistled. As the shrill sound finished, some of the wool tents already were packed up.
Ploompies worked fast despite their tail demeanor, it seemed.
"Xavier, Anna, we need to go to the Chaos Mansion now. It seems as if Mr. Eve has finally powered himself to the Dark Mira Feather's full extent." Ethan said, his pistols ready for a shooting rally.
Xavier and Anna nodded, and grabbed their armor.
A breastplate fit surprisingly well on Anna's breasts despite being oversized. Her scythe was studded with topazes, with the crown jewel glowing brilliantly.
They left for the dark palace, leaving nothing behind but a small meadow and a weak campfire.

After a short, brisk walk, they got all the way to the dark palace. Storm clouds gathered over them, and the skeletons implemented into the gates shivered with anticipation.
Vultures and crows cawed as they flew off the barbed wire fence, the gate creaking open.
Owls hooted as they entered the grand throne room.
A piano played, its deep notes vibrating the entire area.
Lightning flashed, and it illuminated Mr. Eve's gruesome, warty back.
The lord of Enchantix turned around, and hissed. Little tubes connected the Dark Mira Feather to his brain, where it churned into his very life force. He looked a lot like a salamander, and had brown, ulcered skin that deserved an award for ugliness.
"You. Have. Come. To. Defeat. Me. Ha!" Mr. Eve snarled, his belly shaking as he laughed like Jabba-Jabba.
Pus dripped from his eyes like happy tears.
"Brother Eve, you once were a Ploompy. Greed is not the answer, step down from your rank and be spared!" Ethan cried.
Eve laughed even more.
"Oh, you naive Ploompy, I am choosing the right path! You cannot defeat me, as I need Enchantix to overthrow Apophis and restore Jamaa and Ook to their former glories!" Mr. Eve cried, hooting as he cackled more.
Ethan hesitated, and Mr. Eve knocked him over with his fat tail.
"Oh, Brother Ethan! You are soft! Shoot me now and get this over with!"
Xavier thought this was fairly stupid, but Ethan was still too weak to pull the trigger.
Mr. Eve destroyed him with a single blow.
As the dust floated in the air, Anna cried out. She threw the scythe with amazing ability and struck Mr. Matticus Eve in the heart, fair and square.
The skin started to heal, but the gash was so thick that pain still crippled him.
The ruby lay on the floor, untouched, when a mini Mr. Eve tried to grab it but was strangled by Xavier.
The ruby was added to their collection.
"Oh, you have two crown jewels? Impressive. But I will destroy you!" Mr. Eve growled.
Ploompies tackled him, but he shook them off with a shrug.
Xavier and Anna held hands, unsure of what to do.
All of a sudden, the topaz, ruby and every other crown jewel were attracted
to their linked palms, and the two glowed with energy.
The USP had been granted.
"No! Doofuses, that is MINE!" Mr. Eve shrieked, banging his armrest.
Suddenly, Xavier and Anna linked pinkies, and a laser of hot, white energy shot out and fried Mr. Eve.
"I will come back.. you will seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"
Those were his last words as the Dark Mira Feather flung itself somewhere in the Duat once more.
The USP dispelled itself, and the crown jewels scattered, but imminently Enchantix was brightened. Starving families once more were rich, and the evil were placed under lock and key once more. Order had been restored, and it couldn't have been done without the two Twolegs.

Xavier and Anna awoke on the beach towel, as if they had just finished drying off and were reading Reader's Digest to pass some time.
Seagulls cried out, and the waves made a wonderful melody.
"Pinky promise we won't have more adventures?" Anna said after a time.
Xavier reluctantly looked at the dull crown jewel fakes in his pocket, and sighed.
"Pinky promise."

1 comment:

  1. OMG! Pawsome! Woohoo! California :D. Yeah sorry I live there lol. I mean, in real of course. :)


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