Saturday, April 20, 2013

Political Blather

Frost watched the comets streak across the starry sky, and sighed.
She was madly in love with Zion, but he seemed to be too wrapped up with chess tournaments to notice her.
Amelia and Greely lay next to each other, chuckling about their bad puns about Jamaa and other stuff. Greely only respected Mira, but he had a softer side both Frost and Amelia had a knack for bringing out.
After all, both Amelia's life and Frost's life were shaped by phantoms.
"The Cithara Order seems to be really doing well liberating Corax from the grip of the Frostbite King. Melissa, Shade and Seth are doing well helping the band of Cithara's warrior cult." Amelia said to Greely. As he took in the news, black mist images formed on the grass in front of them.
The images were crisp, as Greely's magic and the power of the April Fools Force (a magic field of ancient enchantments that fuel the April Fools Party) combined were a force to be reckoned with.
"The Phantoms are coming. Peck is currently helping the rabbit race build shelters from the wrath of the phantoms, and we have used a shard of our power to leave hints for the Spirit Team." Greely replied, nuzzling Amelia's soft fur.
Frost looked away as they kissed each other.
She was a member of the Spirit Team, of course, but she didn't want to get her suspicions proven "wrong" when the Alphas revealed more lore.
The stars twinkled above them, and Greely gazed sadly at the constellation he had made for his former love, Shade.
Seth had also met a cruel demise.
Greely sadly glanced at the graves of his family, their loving faces sculpted into the stone.
Amelia gazed sadly at the memorial to Venus, her mother;
Frost couldn't even bear to look at the graze of Oreo, the only parental figure she had ever known.
Ka's face came out of Amelia's ear and fed on their sadness to rid them of the grief.
"You've never been so helpful to relieve grief. Thanks, Ka." Frost whispered in phantom-speak to Amelia.
Ka turned a misty eye to her.
"Its not a problem. After all, this is all that sustains me, and you Alphas are full of it." Ka replied quietly.
Frost trudged off into the bamboo woods, knowing that she was supposed to be playing games on her Paw-pad at her den.

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