Friday, April 12, 2013

Frost: Taken Away Bonus Story

The phantoms took away most of the joy my life had. I contacted my father time to time, and he actually was  a Phantom rebel. He often told me about the plans the phantoms had, and I warned the Alphas in turn. They never knew who I was, of course, I dressed in black robes and gave them a note anonymously. I knew that Mira basically married one of her children, and so my DNA was messed up, but that gave me magical advantages. As Frost, I had every power any alpha or apprentice had. Mira had been chased away when the phantoms had found out what my father did, and as a spirit she used some of her powers to make me a leopard,a normal Jammer, a chance at a normal life. My father had hidden his job as a rebel more since then,
 They had destroyed my life as a child with a loving mother and father, and killed many of my childhood friends. Mythical the grey wolf was the closest Jammer to me, as she was also a soon-to-be apprentice of the Alphas (more like a trainee, no particular alpha gives her classes) and her family had been destroyed by the phantoms.
Once, while Serena was leading a campaign to show not all phantoms were bad, my father (I'll reveal his name now, his name is Sage. I know, that is a girl's name!) was captured by the evil phantoms and held hostage. I had a bunch of adventures trying to rescue him, but that is for another day.
If your family was taken away too, tell me your story in the comments.


  1. Hi Amy, Thanks for adding me as your buddy!

    I never comment here becase i never have mutch time. I jus wana say i really love your stories.

    Keep posting!


    1. Thanks, Vinter, this comment will ALWAYS be held dearly!

  2. Wow! You are a great writer, Amy! I hope you turn these story's into books one day...I would buy 100000,0000000000000000000000000000 of them! Lol. You are a great writer Amy, and I love the storys that you make. :D

    1. Thanks, Mia, I'm planning to make these into a book once I'm old enough to ask permission from Smart Bomb!

  3. I just want to say that your stories are amazing! It really adds depths to the land of Jamaa and the many jammers inhabiting it. Most of the day I have been on your Google+ page reading story after story, and I even reached the bottom! o-o I did skip a few though... Which I will read tomorrow, since my eyes kind of heart from staring at the computer screen. You are great at writing and have wonderful ideas!

    P.S. After reading lots of your stories I noticed something and now I want to ask you one question. Do you like Rick Rioridans books? I have noticed a lot of his things mentioned like the Duat, Kindear the oracleand the green mists, and the serpent phantom Aphosis. If so, those books are amazing and keep reading them to improve your writing.

    1. Why, thank you! I hope that AJHQ notices my work and uses it as official stories. A Jamaasian can dream, can't she?
      Yes, I am a huge fan of his books! I'm anxiously waiting for the House of Hades.


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