Sunday, April 21, 2013

Ore Compass: Part Two

The spoon pointed in the direction of the kitchens, where Cosmo was cooking breakfast.
Ore glittering inside it, the Ore Compass actually seemed like something legendary.
Sir Gilbert had insisted that there had been a few tales about orphans tigers told to each other, but Kragok would insist he had never heard such tales in Vramaa, which was kind of odd considering word spread fast between Jamaa, Earth and Vramaa.
Parlan followed its direction, trying to hide his spoon.
The spoon started pointing like crazy at Zion, who was enjoying a meal of cooked rabbit.
Good thing that Peck wasn't here.
Think, Parlan! You need to bring Zion along because he is an orphan, but Zion may think you're crazy!
Parlan walked up to Zion casually, pretending that Frost wasn't placing a banana split on the table and chatting with Zion.
"Hey, Zion, um, would you talk to me in private for a second?" asked Parlan.
Zion looked startled, and unsheathed his claws.
Frost glared at Parlan as if he were a sushi roll she wanted to eat in one bite but couldn't.
"Just one sec, okay?"
Zion glanced at Frost, then nodded.
"Make it quick, because the vanilla ice cream won't be solid for long." Zion said, his tone not happy at all.
Parlan led Zion to the back door, and whispered in his ear.
"Look, Zion, you're starting to get a relationship with Frost, yes, but she surely won't mind if you come along with me for a quick, personal mission. Did you ever know your parents?"
Zion shook his head, but stopped Parlan before he could speak again with a single, sharp claw.
"Parlan, I will consider this 'mission' you speak of, but Frost isn't the sort of Jamaasian you want to mess with. Her feelings aren't quite... stable, and at this early stage I don't want to mess things up. After all, Frost's wrath can be... well, a force to be reckoned with. Look, Parlan, as long as the trip won't take too long, I'll come, but I'll need time to consider." Zion said.
Parlan stared at Zion's waving tail long after the black-furred leopard padded back to eat his split.

Parlan sighed on his bed of moss and leaves, staring at the Ore Compass. It pointed towards Frost's den, but Zion hadn't be recruited yet. Besides, Frost wasn't somebody who liked to be awakened from slumber.
Sir Gilbert stuffed some of his cloaks in his drawer gently with his teeth, then stared up at the young cub in his hammock. The room was large for such a small hut, sure, but Sir Gilbert's strong muscles had no trouble leaping from branch to branch to reach Parlan.
"What's wrong, little cub?" he asked his apprentice.
Parlan made sure Zion wasn't faking his slumber in his bed, then told Gilbert.
"Mentor, Zion seemed a bit... cold towards me when I talked to him, and he doesn't seem to want to come on the journey when his participation is crucial. Frost also plays a part in this, but she is a quite hot-headed leopard and her powers already are getting out of control. She may or may not be useful in this journey ahead. Maintaining inhibitor rings doesn't help." Parlan said.
Even though Parlan was like, 11 years old in human years, Zion 17 , Frost 20 and Sir Gilbert 2,000 (his age as a spirit is 45 human years), they sometimes got told bedtime stories during times of turmoil.
Emotionwise, this was becoming a time of turmoil for Parlan.
He couldn't get rid of the spoon, he wasn't faring well with his bonds with both Zion and Frost, and his curiousity ebbed at his life the longer he took to start the journey. What was a tiger to do?
Sir Gilbert thought over this thoroughly, then summoned a bit of telekinesis and levitated near Parlan's hammock.
"I know you were a beggar once on the streets, but became a hero in the races. This is a really good acomplishment for a tiger, because our kin do not like to show off their athleticism! You know, when I was a cub, curiousity often got me in trouble. Stealing livestock, making young animals cry, scratching up the trees Ol' Geezer Mallory lived in... curiosity sure did kill the cat in my case. But one day, I found a stone. A special stone. It was a Spirit Stone, which I did not know at the time, that had come up from the heart of the earth and come to me. Now, a normal tiger would have fled from the sight of the orange gem, but I was curious enough to have the benefit of the doubt I harbored. From it, I learned many things from Mira, but not enough to prepare me for the Twolegs' wrath... Moral for tonight's story: Believe in your talents, even if they will become your undoing." Sir Gilbert told Parlan.
The compass felt warm in his paw, and Parlan glanced at it.
There were normally two jewels in the spoon to show how many were following the compass at the time, but this time there were three.
Parlan smiled.
Zion had joined his cause, and now it was time to convince Frost, and follow the compass to their long lost parents.

To be continued...

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