Monday, April 15, 2013

Alternate Cosmo Story

Okay, this is a story I found on AJS by Athena Anealia, all credit to her. As far as I know, this story is not true, but I decided to post it anyway. If you have trouble reading ANY of these stories, highlight them and read!

...Cosmo the Koala Alpha...
Part One: Cosmo's Calling
The plants were calling him... Cosmo, a young and intelligent koala, drowsily climbed down from the moss-covered tree branches he had been relaxing in. Once he reached the forest floor, he sat and yawned wide. He stretched in the soft grass. Wasting no time, he got up and began to scamper through the towering forests of his home. The ferns quivered as Cosmo emerged into a small clearing in the tall grass. Lush plants of all kinds proudly sprouted, and shining vines looped their way through the leaves. "Welcome Cosmo!" came an eerie whisper, almost lost in the strengthening breeze. Cosmo turned and faced a peacefully blooming daisy. You see, he had a special way with plants. He kept his talent a secret, and when he was around his friends and family, he kept silent and thought of the plants. Cosmo was a shy animal to begin with, and he found his strengths in nature. "Hello," Cosmo whispered, his voice matching the hushes of the plants. A vine nearby began to lace toward Cosmo. "We have bad news for you," it hissed. Cosmo stiffened, and leaned in closer. "It's coming," the vine continued. "...A dark force of evil far more powerful that the strongest warriors of your koala tribe." The plants shrunk away at the vine's words, and Cosmo's fur stood on end. "You must go warn your family!" Cosmo took off at once, not noticing that he dropped his gem key necklace that went to his secret stash of magical herbs. Cosmo stifled a scream as he dodged lightning and frightfully ran on. He reached the tree of his tribe, but indeed it was too late. Hundreds if not thousands of dark beings made of what seemed to be black mist surrounded his fellow koalas and even as Cosmo watched they were zapped down. The mysterious creatures had a single eye which glistened in the blood-red light of the sinking sun. Cosmo watched on in terror as all that he loved was destroyed. He reached to hold the key that hung from his neck, but to his grave disappointment, it was gone. Suddenly, he felt an excruciating shock in him and his vision gave way to dizzying nothingness. When he awoke, we felt light and different somehow. He could see the evil creatures of the shadows swarming threateningly around his forest home, but it all seemed to melt into immaterial memories. Sparkling mist began to gather around him, and slowly Cosmo couldn't see anything but foggy eternity. He jerked his head up at the echoing sound of light footsteps in still shallow water. The sight which met his eyes made him freeze with awe. It was a graceful heron with shining sapphire feathers. The light created such a dazzle on her beautiful plumage and her eyes sparkled with kindness. "Cosmo," she said, in a voice that made the koala immediately feel safe around the strange bird. He didn't even ask how she knew his name, all he did was stare. "I have been watching you," she said. "I admire your ways with plants and your brave heart. I know you have what it takes to help defeat the Phantoms..." she continued. "...Would you like to follow me to Jamaa and become the Alpha over all koalas?" The heron had finished, and Cosmo knew he had not much of a choice. Without a moment's reluctance, he nodded his head. Then space and time swirled together and Cosmo found himself by a majestic statue of the heron in a circle of wise elder animals. "Welcome to Jamaa!" the animals chorused in unison, and Cosmo almost thought he could hear the happy whispers of the plants.
. : hannahandmemy : .


  1. Part 2: Cosmo's Quest
    Years later, an epidemic of scamming sickness swept through Jamaa. Cosmo had been an Alpha for almost as long as he could remember, but the fading memories of his past life apart from the land of Jamaa haunted him. No matter how hard he tried, Cosmo could not find a cure for the sickness in all of Jamaa. Suddenly, Cosmo heard a whisper. It was a very faint murmur, barely audible. He recognized the voice! It stirred an old memory; it was one of the plants who had become his best friends when he was very young. It was a group of voices, calling him. Cosmo knew what he had to do. He begged Liza to let him go, and she agreed, wisely suggesting that he bring all the koalas of Jamaa to aid him on his quest. Cosmo was very excited, and he wasted no time inviting every koala he could find. He soon departed with a wave goodbye to Jamaa and he took off to the forests which he knew must have once been his home. They trekked through the freezing winds of Mt. Shiveer, and scouted the plains of Appondale before they came to the edge of all that the Jammers knew. When they broke through into the heart-set forests, they found millions of Phantoms residing there. Bravely, the koalas, led by Cosmo, fought them off and continued through the majestic trees. Suddenly, Cosmo sensed something in the undergrowth. He reached down and unearthed a dusty key of glistening emerald. The mists of time which clouded his memory were blow away by a spiritual wind and he remembered. He rushed as fast as his koala legs could carry him to a crumbling stone wall overrun with flowering vines. He felt along the cold stone and thrust the gem key into a hole. There was a blinding flash of light that illuminated the forest and then all was dark as Cosmo stepped into the ancient cave, followed by the koalas. “My magic herbs!” he cried, and reached down to pick up the fogged glass jars. Various herbs and potions filled them, and he delightedly declared the land discovered and the scamming sickness cured. Back at Jamaa, every animal that had gone ill was remedied, and Jamaa was proud to have another victory over the Phantoms and another of its lands seized back to its rightful kingdom. Cosmo had become a hero to Jamaa that day, as well as all the koalas. Cosmo traveled one day to the little clearing he had once known as a young koala, and began to talk to the plants, flowers, and vines. Their joyous whispers filled the air and Cosmo the koala Alpha felt he was truly at home. Mira peered proudly down at them from the billowing clouds above and knew she had made the perfect choice of Cosmo...
    THE END!

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