Saturday, April 6, 2013

Comedy: Cosmo Wilts Plants

Cosmo: La la dee dum...
Peck: Cosmo, the plants are dying after you water them!
Cosmo: No, they don't!
Peck: Look for yourself.
Cosmo: *sees dead plants* This is horrible! The phantoms must've cursed me! CURSE YOU PHANTOMS! *crows fly off and caw*
Peck: You aren't Amelia, so it will have no effect.
Peck: If you wore an Anonymous mask, and I did too, we could be the Anonymously Annoying.
Cosmo: I don't care, this water is dirty. *dumps out watering can water and revives plants with special powers*
Peck: *drinks water* It's perfectly fine, just salty.
Peck: I put seawater in your watering can!
Cosmo: CURSE YOU PECK! *chases Peck everywhere*

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Amy! It's Athena, the one who said she played Untold Tales. I commented with answers to your questions, but it doesn't show up unless you push "load more" comments. So, just in case you didn't see it, and if you are reading this, this is what I said: So you have a rouge camp, right? You need guard cats where there are gaps in your bramble thicket wall. If they (the guards) aren't following you, I'm pretty sure the RiverClan cats die automatically when they get near the guards. That's what mine do, at least. And also, I have my camp right where yours is! XD Mine's IvyClan and it just so happens my cat is named Icestar! Such a small forest, hu? (Don't tell me your cat is named Ivystar, is she? XD) Anyway, as for Gleamkit, when winter comes around and he is announced missing, you go up to the bridge and you'll see him. You have to give him an herb, (not sure if it matters which kind... IDK...)

    Hope that helps! :)


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