Thursday, April 11, 2013

Frost And The Attack

Frost wandered around Mount Shiveer, licking her fur and inhibitor rings. They didn't weigh her down or feel funny, but she didn't like the feeling of a cuff. Sure, her bracelets were tight, but at least they were comfortable. Her firefly necklace bounced around as she gazed at the hawk in the distance. Suddenly, a black cloud appeared on the horizon, lightning coming out of the cloud.
"That is just a normal stormcloud," Frost said to herself, although her instinct told her otherwise. The eyes on the cloud helped.
"THE PHANTOMS ARE COMING! EVACUATE!" Frost screamed. Most Jammers thought she was joking, but the sensible Jamaasians (such as Snowyclaw, Mia and Goldfishypuppy) ran to the trapdoor and opened it, filing in to stay in the storage room. Frost threw an icicle like a javelin, and struck down a few phantoms. The group broke apart, and now everyone was scared. Some fled to the trapdoor, some to the golden ring, and others just panicked and teleported to their dens, locking the door behind them.
Frost and Snowyclaw, however, decided to not hide and fight alongside the Alphas. After all, Snowyclaw also had connections with the Alphas, as Graham had visited her before.
"Alphas and heroes, to me!" Lisa screamed, and all of them gathered in a circle, back to back. The phantoms surrounded them in a tornado, but the Alphas used their powers to keep them at bay. Snowyclaw whispered in Frost's ear.
"We're back to back now, huh? I recognize you from the Spirit blog. Maybe we should combine powers to destroy these phantoms." Frost nodded, and put her paw in Snowy's.
The snow rippled as they joined up their powers. The inhibitor rings absorbed some of the resulting energy, but slowly they rose up, eyes glowing blue.
"Mira, unite in our pure hearts, and drive the phantoms away!" they chanted together. The phantoms screamed, and exploded into golden dust.
They drifted down to the snow as if nothing had happened and they weren't surrounded by Alphas and a wall of dust. They had shared the mana drain, so nothing really big happened to them.
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Then, the Alphas cheered, as they had saved Jamaa for the day. Frost and Snowyclaw parted their seperate ways, and the Jammers saw peace... at least for another day.

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