Thursday, July 11, 2013

Savior: Those Bastards

Savior let her fur form into a metal-like coat as she walked along the rainy coast.
Crystal Sands twinkled, the salty sand grinding her paws. Most Jammers were cowering in their water park dens, watching the tropical storm batter the beach, but she was strong enough to resist it. If it weren't for Savior planning to talk about her ideals, she would have summoned Vicky to help her (She should be happy to leave behind the deadly quest, right? thought Savior) ward off the storm, but for now her thick coat would do wonders.
Lightning flashed, and out of the corner of her eye Savior saw a coconut tree fall down, burning. Using her powers, Savior managed to save the coconuts and force-grow a replacement for the local Jammers to enjoy. Savior decided to step into the water despite the danger of electrocution, and ate her coconuts with swift jaws and sharp teeth.
"My allies... those Jamaasian Heroes... they are all bastards, especially that stupid, stupid Snowyclaw. She deserves to be an enemy, contrary to what the others believe. That peace activist succeeded in a campaign to revive the Alphas, and my, my is that a bad idea! I think that we need to work on the problems within Jamaa, such as the greed for fancy items called "rares" and evil Jammers possessing others to get their "rares" and get them banned, called "hacking". Those are much bigger threats than those phantoms. In fact, if we could recruit the baddies and make them good we would be better off!" growled Savior.
Suddenly, a blue macaw flew down on her, cawing as the rain hurt its wings.
Touching the bird, it got a boost of strength, and used its sharp, shiny beak to sort through the mail and give her the envelope.
"Pay me two gems for the carry price. My employer made me fly through rain, so you need to pay for hypothermia-preventing spells." squawked the bird. The bird's long tail feathers were lovely, and made great headdresses when removed and dyed.
Savior fished out two glittering gems from her gem pouch, and the bird flew low over the trees to wherever macaws go before carrying mail.
Slashing the soggy paper open, Savior winced when she touched the burning insignia of Mira on the folded paper. Fanning out her fur, Savior barely covered the paper like an umbrella, so the water slid off the fur like it were a slippery marble table.
A little peppermint and a bubblegum wrap were slipped inside, so Savior popped the peppermint in her mouth and licked at it to get the strong flavor out, and slid the bubblegum into her gem pouch for a boredom emergency.
Thunder rumbled dramatically as Savior gently slid out the parchment somebody slid inside the Jam-A-Gram. Frost only sent custom envelopes (most of the time she just sent the regular postcards with an enchanted-animation stamp and ink writing) for important matters, so Savior tensed as she unfolded the letter.
Reading it out loud, she frowned, and said it again.
"Dear Savior." Savior began. "I hope you get this soon, because I need your help. Teleport into the Hyrestia dimension. These pesky ice golems are tough, so I think I'll need your help. (BTW, reader, this is just a note for everyone: the golems look like Regice, and the Golem King is basically Regiggas with frozen limbs) Please teleport within 16 minutes or this note will blow up."
Cursing, Savior slid the note back in for further reference, licked it together (leaving the aroma of peppermints on it) and warped it into her vault in the Duat. All of the Jamaasian Heroes had a locker in the Duat where they stored stuff, and with very little effort could slide it out.
Savior grumbled under her breath about how redundant the Jamaasian Heroes were to keep fighting a hopeless war for quite a while, and at the last minute opened a portal, slipping in.
Before she went in, though, Savior glanced back at the darkened land of Jamaa.
"Mother and Father Sky, if you can hear me, I pray to you that we can change tactics and persuade more phantoms to leave their Phantom Empire legions and join the rebels' legions instead." whispered Savior.
Getting out her bow, Savior put in a flaming arrow and shot it over the sea to brighten up the sky, then let the organic materials rot for fish to eat.
"I feel good, being green... not exactly like the Grinch, but more like eco-friendly." murmured Savior.
The envelope shook, and without another word Savior finished slipping in and closed the portal behind her.

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