Monday, July 8, 2013

How to write like an author!

Hiya Jammers! Ibp here, with a special post! HOW TO WRITE WELL!

  1 .First off, choose a topic! If you are writing about Animal JAm, Study up on the Alphas and read stories from this blog and Snowyclaw's! They will surely inspire you!

   2. Relax! If you are writing tense, then your story may not turn out well! Listen to some music and hang with your buddies a bit!

   3. Think about your charectors! Dress your avatar like them and act like them to get a good grip on their feelings!

   4. Use vivid words! Instead of using "Said", use the words,

accused                     corrected                   marveled                    screamed
added                       coughed                     mimicked                    shot
addressed                   cried                       moaned                      shouted
admitted                    croaked                     mumbled                     shrieked
advised                     crowed                      murmered                    shrilled
agreed                                                  mused                       sighed
announced                   dared                       muttered                    smiled
answered                    decided                                                 smirked
approved                    declared                    nagged                      snapped
argued                      demanded                    nodded                      snarled
asked                       denied                      noted                       sneered
assured                     described                                               sneezed
                            doubted                     objected                    snickered
babbled                     drawled                     observed                    sniffed
barked                      echoed                      offered                     sniffled
bawled                      ended                       ordered                     snorted
beamed                      exclaimed                                               sobbed
began                       explained                   piped                       spoke
begged                                                  pleaded                     sputtered
bellowed                    finished                    pondered                    squeaked
bet                         fretted                     praised                     stammered
bleated                                                 prayed                      started
blurted                     gasped                      promised                    stated
boasted                     gibed                       proposed                    stormed
boomed                      giggled                     protested                   stuttered
bragged                     greeted                     put in                      suggested
broke in                    groaned                     puzzled                     surmised
bubbled                     growled
bugged                      grumbled                    quavered                    taunted
                            guessed                     queried                     teased
called                      gulped                      questioned                  tempted
cautioned                   gurgled                     quipped                     tested
chatted                                                 quoted                      theorized
chattered                   hinted                                                  thought
cheered                     hissed                      ranted                      told
chided                      hypothesized                reasoned
chimed in                                               reassured                   urged
choked                      imitated                    recalled
chortled                    implied                     reckoned                    vowed
chorused                    informed                    remarked
chuckled                    inquired                    remembered                  wailed
clucked                     insisted                    reminded                    warned
coaxed                      interjected                 repeated                    went on
commanded                   interrupted                 replied                     wept
commented                                               requested                   whimpered
comlained                   jeered                      responded                   whined
concluded                   jested                      retorted                    whispered
confessed                   joked                       roared                      wondered
confided                                                                            worried
congratulated               laughed                     sang
continued                   lied                        sassed                      yawned
convinced                   lisped                      scolded                     yelled

Here are Amy's tips! 

1. Design your characters, especially for Mechas. Try using manga styles to get their expressions out right, and be sure to draw them in various poses. If they have multiple forms, sketch those out too. Also, writing a description for them and basically making them a profile helps, too. I have a collection of those in my room.

2. Introduce your character seamlessly into the story, like say, an introduction story or even a saga devoted to introducing them. Putting them in roughly doesn't help the story at all.

 3. Read, read read! Study up on Jamaasian Lore, read STH Comics, read Rick Riordan's/ J.K Rowling's books and get ideas. Also, its OKAY to make characters based on someone else, in fact all of the Jamaasian Heroes are based off of real Jammers.

4. Play/watch fanfics and see how they add depth to official characters and add in their own. For a game with so many mysteries, you will need to study up on fanfics to properly fix Jamaa.

5. Study all documents on the Alphas, study their appearances and represented animal. This will help you assign them jobs. Don't be afraid to do something outlandish, like LaSalle being a robot!

 6. Listen to music before/during writing. For a sad story, try sad instrumentals or a sad hard rock/ heavy metal song like "Hopeless". Songs with lyrics are good for the BEGINNING of a story idea, but I recommend just instrumentals during it. Sonic The Hedgehog theme songs are good for ideas, listen to some and you may find a new idea in unexpected places.

7. Don't be afraid to make your story gory! In fact, most of the time moderately gory stories are the best. Just don't overdo it, that makes a boring story. Also, MINOR cuss words are OKAY, but nothing like "fuck" or "asshole" because it tarnishes the story.

8. Express your character's emotions! Make them wail in pain, dance in joy, pace around, or scream in anger. Remember, you are a WRITER, not a sympathetic person to FICTITIOUS characters. Try not to use cliches too much, though, Be creative!

9. Know your bounds. Writing long stories are good, but don't write so much you get tired and so make a boring ending to a good plot. I have fallen in this trap before, so if you feel tired, exercise or do something else for a while until you want to do it again.

10.  Use good grammar. People stray away from stories that use bad grammar, and that isn't good. Do spelling and grammar checks!

11. Let people criticize your stories. Nothing is as bad as writing a horrible, horrible story! Be patient and practice often.

12. Roleplay! Believe it or not, roleplaying actually helps writing because you are going by rules and writing replies to other characters actions. It also helps on getting to know how to seamlessly fit new into old and moving the characters around their world.

13. Practice, practice practice! Read the dictionary and thesaurus for new words, and use them to make vivid stories! That is the best of all things, the gift of writing.

14. Allow good character development. Give all main characters at least ONE saga devoted to them, harm them, give them backstory, and show interactions with others such as love, rivalry, and hatred. It makes for a better story and balances what characters are in the spotlight.

15. Don't overload your reader with information. Introduce them speech on a new line instead of putting it in a blurb. Also, introduce new characters and allow good development, and don't use too many or a character's death seems like a tactical boost rather than a sad event. Also, use memorable events and names so that they don't get confused, which is a shortfalling many fantasy stories fall into.

16. Take your time. Take your time to make an event more emotional and memorable, or it won't be very good. Mourning also adds depth to a character's death, even if they didn't really die.

17. If a character is REALLY popular, even if you're going to get hated, make something bad happen to him/her. It adds depth and moves people, and it makes an interesting story, In fact, that is the reason why I roboticized Snowyclaw in my stories.

18. Add depth to the antagonist. Don't fall into the shortfalling of early stories like superheroes and Greek/ Roman myths, because those make the antagonists look like they're idiots. I mean, how on earth do you take over the world when nobody even rules it? Make them have a personal motive, like Apophis wants to swim freely once more, so they seem more sinister, or have them have a sad backstory to back up that they confided in darkness and now want to destroy the world. Having them also have a big ego won't hurt, either., although it makes them look like idiots that forgot that good usually triumphs evil. Of course, you don't HAVE to, but these are my suggestions. Amy Jiao, signing out. 

BONUS TIP:: Observe your surroundings! Admire art, sleep, play video games, play Animal Jam, eat, read, listen to music, anything that inspires you! Don't be afraid to base characters and stories off real life, in fact, when you're famous people want to know things, so make those things vivid and interesting and shocking! In fact, I like writing, so I would be elated to write essays! Simply take things from real life and convert them, writers are OBSERVERS. We can change people's outlooks on life with powerful words. Use that power wisely.


  1. Happy b-day ibp! I won't be able to comment much today, kinda busy >.<, but I hope you do have a great birthday!


Okay, new rules in place now! Please ask if you are confused with the rules.

1.No excessive mini-modding (Let Us Solve Probelms If You Can't Be Nice About It)
2. Minimal Cussing, Please (No Street Slang Or The "F" Word)
3. Good Grammar Prevails (Use Good Grammar And Spelling)
4. Spam? Eat It. (Make Comments Useful)
5. No Pestering (Ask Things, Then Wait For A Reply)
6. Safety First (Anon Comments Are Blocked To Prevent Personal Info Leaking)
7. No Vulgar Things (flashing, nudity, stripping, hangovers, sex, e.t.c.)
8. Organized! (Put Comments In The Right Place)
9. No Fuss, For All of Us (Opinions Are Removed For Safety)
10. Don't Be Underage (Be Near Teenage Age, Please)
11. No Religious Stuff (Except for "I don't believe in god, OR Jesus Christ who's not my Savior! If YOU aren't afraid to admit it, put this somewhere!", no offense intended.)