Monday, July 15, 2013

Hyrestia Tales: Journey

Tempest was silent after Keldeo's explanation.
"How can someone success two people and how could there be two people two success one person?" she had risen one eyebrow and was looking at Keldeo, "And I can barely create icefire let alone icestorm." She gave a slight move of her shoulders that could have been a shrug and said, "Well, we should get going. Better to arrive early than late," and with that she drew on the powers of Dark Mira and the heartstone and managed to open a rift between dimensions and vanished, leaving Frost, Vicky, Keldeo, and any other jamassions to make their own portal.
Padding through the dimensions Tempest chose the one that looked like the icy one Keldeo had described and went into it without hesitation. Shivering, she enclosed herself in a shell of wind, where it was much warmer. She sat still, waiting for everyone else to come.
  1. (Sorry for the silence, I'm just busy these days.)
    It took a while, but Vicky, Keldeo and Frost followed her.
    "You see, Icirrus Chronos wants to construct Maximus Chronos from within you, since you have a better percentage of making an evil Maximus Chronos, but Electro Chronos thinks you have an equal, if not more potent, chance of being a good Maximus Chronos. Frost and Vicky are also good hosts, great stabilizers in a case of your soul refusing the change or other problems. Its hard to explain, I hope you understood."
    They decided to go to the Phantom's new base in the Phantom Vortex instead.
  2. ( Wow its been four days o-o Sorry Frost! )

    "I see," was all Tempest said in reply. She did understand and she got the feeling that no matter how much Electro Chronos whished, something was going to go very wrong. Suppressing a shudder she continued to walk on, "So, what's the plan?" Her tail gave a slight flick, as she was quite curious as to why they were even in the Phantom Vortex. She wasn't scared, even though they were surrounded by hordes of phantoms, but she was just wondering why they decided to come here.
  3. (Wow.. I guess we're both busy now.)
    Keldeo decided it was a bad idea, and instead teleported them to the Phantom Reef. Keldeo and Frost both could breathe underwater, but Tempest had to use a spell to let her breathe normally.
    The reef was blackened, as the phantoms still ruled it, but diverse fish still swam among the coral. Several ruins were there, and they took the time to defeat some phantoms so they could train a bit.
  4. ( I won't be able to comment much, road trip xD )

    Tempest swam along, taking in the blue light as it filtered through the water, flashing along the scales f a particularly strange fish. She had never been underwater before... It was breath-taking. Well, I guess you can't breath under water so even the murkiest pond is breath-taking. A lone phantom spotted them and mimicked a sick grin with its one cyclops eye and rapidly jetted towards them. A flash of blue and it lay frozen, hugged by the sand. Tempest nodded her thanks towards Frost as they continued.
  5. Understood, Tempest. I won't be on as often either during July.
    Suddenly, out of the blue (fitting for the ocean), some ruins that looked a lot like the Titans' Palace appeared. They were called the Sunken Wonders, of course, but it was essentially a gateway to Hyrestia, as the Ice Golems blocked their way there.
    Swimming through the mother-of-pearl columns, they saw things so beautiful they should have been in the Diamond Shop.
    As they wound their way up the stairs, dodging random krakens, they got to the top and found a portal.
    Pick one, Tempest:
    Go through, or Keep On Training?
  6. ( Sorry, just got back, turns out the internet refused to load your page... Also I have to go to ca,p for a month around July 14 or 15. )

    Tempest thought for a bit then nodded to herself, "Go through." She leapt through the portal and suddenly the world dimmed to black. Tempest was still conscious, but it felt like her ribs were slowly shrinking and crushing her lungs into her heart, and turning her organs into a mish mash of particles. "Great StarClan this is..." She twitched her ears, something from the past the phantoms must have erased. "Grr... narrowing her eyes to slits, as electricity circled her claws, she tried desperately to get back on that trail of thought. Raking her claws over the space substance she hissed in annoyance, as often happened since she had been captured.
  7. (Dangit!)
    Suddenly, Keldeo yanked her out with the essence of the sea heart, shaking his head.
    "Sophia just called to me with telepathy. It is not time to go to Hyrestia yet... she says we need to train first." Keldeo muttered. Frost nodded, and they both went to her den to train a bit.
    (The events of both Zion and Frost's conflict and Bloda moving in pass. A few months roll by as they train harder and harder.)
  8. Joining in, hope ya don't mind.

    After quite a few months of training, ledra flew by on the form of a bluebird, then transformed into her regular self. "Hey you guyz,thats a lot of training you're doing, going on a tough mission soon?"

    1. -Pads around not knowing where to go, hoping someone will find me- Maybe I can call someone by howling.. -howls very deeply and loudly- AHWOOOOOOOOOOOOWOOOOOO
      1. Far away, Ledra, Mia and Savior heard the call, and howled back, wondering who the stranger could be.
      2. (Ok, just to let the people who roleplay both on this blog and on my blog, this story will be very different from the roleplaying at my blog)
        I kept howling, and I looked at my damaged wings. I switched forms to make a louder howl, even though I knew it would increase the chances of phantoms finding me.
      3. The arctic wolf trio ran now, howling as they went. When they found Pink, they gasped.
        "ZOMG! ITS.. so big!" Mia said, staring up at the large, winged creature looking at them. The other two nodded.
        Suddenly, Pink felt pain jolt up her spine.
        "Nngh!" Immediately, she was shrunk down back to her normal form. Savior ran over to her wounded wings, and used them to heal the wing. Suddenly, a swarm of phantoms appeared!
        Ledra altered the phantoms's DNA to become snakes, and they slithered away.
        "T-That's incredible!" cried Pink.
        A smug smile crept across Savior's lips as she saw the wounded wings heal.
        "Why, we're all incredible! A circus of incredible animals! Follow me, we'll get you fully healed in NO time."
    2. I followed them. I felt an aura and saw me fighting the phantom king alongside these animals helping me, and I told them what I saw.
      1. My newest (Weakest) form has been created! It is in the "Roleplaying" section of my blog.
      2. Just updated it! It makes sense overall, but it will also make roleplay a bit tricky,but interesting!
      3. The arctic wolves nodded, then dragged her back.
        When they got there, Frost, Tempest, Vicky and guest hero Keldeo were pacing back and forth, apparently bored.
        "Hello." Pink said coldly. She had no idea what was going on, but wanted to see what they could do.
        Understanding what she should do, Frost took off her inhibitor rings. A blue flare rose up around her, and Frost easily blasted Pink backwards. Pink applauded, baffled by the immense energies she sensed within the leopard.
        As Frost put on her rings before she could faint from intake, Tempest stepped forward, and shadow-warped, coming in behind Pink and slicing her wings, then reappearing in front of her. Pink applauded once more.
        Vicky stepped forward, and thunder rumbled overhead. A crackling nimbus of electricity surrounded her paw, and several dragon-shaped bolts shook Pink's pelt. Then, last but not least, Keldeo stepped forward, and shot a powerful jet of water at her, nearly blasting Pink through the door.
        "You see?" Savior said.
    3. For some reason, I can't turn into my power form... and my tail is wispy and an unnatural color for some reason.. it's not my original color, it's more like an orb forming of me somehow... this has never happened to me...................
      1. Savior, being one of the newest Jamaasian Heroes, rushed over to her and used her nature powers to analyze what was happening to Pink.
        "Our power intake is draining her own life force! Get away! I need Metal Cosmo to watch her."
        Heeding her cries, the other heroes backed away.
        Pink turned into an orb just as Savior made her a cage of vines and took her to the infirmary.
    4. As an orb, I couldn't think and I kept smacking the cage, but it had no effect. The orb screeched an ear-piercing sound, and it flew around the cage insanely.
      1. Savior let go of the cage, and the orb was dropped into a deep pile of blankets, leaving Metal Cosmo with her.
        "You-Need-Help, I-See." beeped Metal Cosmo, clanking over to his wormwood table to make a potion to help her.
    5. I kept banging around, with pretty much unlimited energy because the orb form isn't exactly a living thing. I banged and banged until only a dent formed. I gave up, not knowing someone was there.
      1. Metal Cosmo threw down a little potion bottle, and the orb floated over. drinking from it. Immediately, Pink reformed.
        "That.. was unsettling." she said.
    6. I started having blurry visions, things familiar. A face that seemed mad, yelling at another face. I saw blurry black things taking blurry things that have wings and then the winged things looking lifeless. Was it my past as a young child?
    7. I heard words in my head "Revenge Revenge Kill Kill" (Hey, that reminds me of warriors! XD) I heard it over and over. Then I heard something different. "Revenge. Kill. Phantoms. You." Get revenge, kill the phantoms, you? I don't understand.. I shook the thoughts out of my head. Then I had a vision. It was a huge monster, it had huge teeth and glowing red eyes. I was alone, cornered. It was huger than a twoleg building. I saw it's claws about to strike me, then the vision stopped. I decided to keep this to myself.
    8. Ledra, Vicky, Frost, Keldeo and Tempest walked into the infirmary, looking at Pink worriesomely.
      "We're leaving for a dangerous mission to Hyrestia now, please join us. We may need your powers." said Keldeo. Glancing at her skeptical face, he added quickly: "Don't worry, your powers are stronger there. You can be free of your "chains" near us, since so much mana is pooled in that dimension alone."
      Frost glanced at her bedgraggled face.
      "Pink... I have a nagging feeling we're going through the same thing, wanting revenge on the Phantoms for ruining our childhoods, but I don't have enough proof to back it up. Remember, come to me if you have any troubles about your past."
      1. "Yeah." Ledra said. I hope nothing goes wrong. And frost, what type of creatures live there? For i can transform into anything I touch. Even a phantom."
    9. I had a blurry vision.. black things were taking away things with wings. I think it was the phantoms taking my mom and dad. And I heard "Revenge revenge kill kill." Then I heard "Revenge, kill, phantoms, you." And sure, I'll come.
    10. (Wow, roleplaying with two different people at the same time is hard!)
      Frost told Ledra that there were normal animals and Twolegs there, but also ice golems, and they hurried off to study them a bit.
      Keldeo, seeing Pink's condition, cast a spell to prevent the flashbacks when the heroes were around, and asked the questions again.
      1. I train a lot, but I haven't really gone on that many adventures before. Ledra said as she touched frost and Morphed into a leopard so she wouldn't feel so left out. "So, when are we leaving?"
      2. "We're leaving when Pink agrees to come with us," said Frost.
        Suddenly, a yanking sensation plagued both of them, and they were sucked into a portal.
        (The events of Snow: Capture pass.)
        When they got back, Frost's belly was still bleeding a bit and Ledra spitting out sand.
        "I never knew Vicky had that much hero in her." commented Frost.
        Ledra pushed her teasingly.
        "Why? Is she,.. too closely related to you for you to risk her getting in a tight spot?"
        Frost chuckled, and they went to Keldeo to ask him how it was going.
      3. Tempest was busy applying a salve Cosmo had given her after earning a long gash on her side, that went from her neck down to nearly the tip of her front right paw, from Snow, as she saw Frost and Ledra walking by. Quickly shadow-morphing to them, as she saw they were heading towards Keldeo, she asked a few questions about how things were then quietly walked along behind the two friends, thinking silently about dark shells and the like. "Would I have been that strong if I hadn't been purified?" She was in her own mind, having a pleasant conversation with herself. Tempest did this a lot, really, as that made up for her lack of social ability.
      4. A red figure shot past the three heroes, claws fumbling as she accidentally bumped Tempest. Uttering a sorry, averting the gaze of the dark wolf, and suddenly in a flash was back on her paws. A few steps would cause sparks in Evada's paws, for her claws clumsily scrapped over the hauntingly familiar floor. She had fallen back asleep right after Frost had awoken her from the dark nightmare of her bleak prison. Waking up was exhausting to her. She had slunk off to a nice patch of course grass outside of the Alpha Hut, falling into a small hibernation. Seconds before bumping into Tempest, she had woken up. Evada just had to see all of her old Alpha friends as soon as possible!
      5. Aggh! Ledra screamed in supprize. "Frost, who is she?"
      6. "Wha?" was all Frost could muster. It was a little cramped, with so many heroes in one narrow hallway.
        Pink and Keldeo were exchanging words, Winter glancing at Evada oddly, and Tempest licking her wound, waiting for Metal Cosmo's spell to take effect.
        "You are slowly being purified, Tempest, as you defend Jamaa. In fact, Snow was boosted, she would be about as powerful as you if she were normal. Don't think about it. I will explain that all Dark Shells get new powers once they lose all of their shadow ones. As you speak, your shadow-warping is getting less and less potent. I'm sorry if you were fond of those.." said Frost, taking her attention away from the Jammer she thought still in Jamaa Township, getting used to the technological advances.
      7. "Oh..." In truth, she was a bit disappointing. but quickly switched her train of thought to something else, maybe trying to breath in the cramped space. Glancing at the sleepy wolf her ears reddened, as she had often poked her with a stick when she was sleeping, thinking she might have died or something.
    11. Frost elbowed her playfully.
      "Tempest, its just a flashback. I had those all the time when I was little."
      1. She nodded silently, swishing her tail, still deep in thought.
        "So... More training then?" She was slightly worried that without her shadow powers she would be a weak puny wolf, and there was one more thing she was a bit suspicious before carrying on with her thoughts, and before thinking about her fear she quickly set up the strongest words she could. Then with a slitted eye on Frost she thought to herself, "How had she seen my thoughts..." Tempest had a sneaking suspicion that when Frost had severed the link, she hadn't severed it fully. "Just before she had severed I had been overwhelmed by a feeling of regret, and she was the one controlling Greely, fina-" she quickly shut her muzzle as she realized she had been muttering under her breath.
    12. Frost didn't hear much, but Ledra heard her.
      "I know, okay?" she snapped at Tempest. "She only severed it so that there is a barebone thread left so you two can still retain the benefits! Happy now? Now lets go train!"
      Storming out, they were all forced to follow her, even weak Pink.
      1. "Alright." Narrowing her eyes Tempest padded out into the training area, flexing her claws, and preparing herself mentally for any mind or magic battles.
    13. So, to practice for the worst, Ledra paired them off to battle.
      Tempest and Keldeo would spar, and Vicky and Frost would do the same. As for Pink and Ledra... they just decided to fight each other JUST IN CASE...
      Vicky and Frost were actually very evenly matched, probably because Icirrus and Electro were even, but it wasn't doubted who won for the other two matches... Tempest and Ledra.
      "Hmm, I think I'll try to get more powerful and beat you next time!" said Pink and Keldeo in unison.
      Okay, roleplayer decision time!
      Tempest, are you going to:
      A. Practice on a dummy as the others go find their boyfriends/ girlfriends to eat dinner or
      B. Join Frost, Zion (one couple), Ledra, Drakus (another couple), Pink and Keldeo (a couple that don't know they like each other) to eat at Minnie's Spaghetti Bazaar?

      Ledra, will you
      A. Drag Drakus to the Spaghetti Bazaar and do typical couple stuff or
      B. Go there and practice-battle

      Pink, if you're there by the time the others decide, will you
      A. Go on a "Truth or Death" sorta solo plot, or
      B. Go with Keldeo and find out that you two like each other somewhat

      Decide by July 7th, picking your own adventure!
    14. I started reading truth or death but it seems so long o_O
      1. And I am a veeeeeeery slow reader O-O 
      2. Well, then this is a great time to improve them! If you don't want to read them in two days, then just pick B.
      3. I'm not exactly aloud to do that stuff O_o
    15. I decided that dates can wait, and whent to practice spar for a wile, then to drag Drakus when the place is less crowded
      1. Good choice! Now, its time for Tempest and Pink to choose, along with Evada. Evada's choices are:
        A. Go to the library and learn more spells/ attacks
        B. Look around Jamaa for something interesting
        C. Go to the Spaghetti Plaza and order some food
      2. I wish I had option C :C
      3. Tempest gave a shrug, "Might as well get some food, though it might be a bit awkward..." As she walked to the restaurant her belly grumbled and a slight smile formed on her muzzle, "Right choice."
      4. Yep, Tempest, its the right choice! Tomorrow, we will resume the plot as the others make decisions!
      5. (Wow, this is long... Also it is A)
        Evada briskly trotted towards the Alpha Hat's Library, trying to get her mind off of the episode she had just caused. Yet again had she bumped into something. She heard a clank, and shook her throbbing head off.
        "E-Evada is that you!?"
        "Cosmo?" Evada recognized the voice, but it was different. More metal and mechanic. Looking up, she saw a Metal version of Cosmo. "What did they do to you? Is that even you, where is the real Cosmo?" She had backed away, and bumped Drakus, and spun around. "What did you do to him?! Wait... What even ARE you?" She had shouted, leaping at poor Drakus, who quickly threw the small, untrained wolf off. Evada eventually ended up in the corner, eyes narrowed at the two heroes. Eventually Liza had showed up, hearing the noise. She had explained everything, and quickly got Evada to the Library. She had told her to go there to read up on missed time.
        Her ears flattened at the memory, and she padded up to the now swelling Library.
    16. As they all ate at the Spaghetti Plaza, slurping spaghetti loudly, a few phantoms burst through the windows!
      "Wha?" screeched the clerk, but a phantom shocked her and knocked her unconscious.
      The other visitors screamed and ran out, but the heroes tensed.. and both Tempest and Frost slashed them to pieces!
      1000 Points for Tempest, BTW. If the others also came they would also get rewards!
      1. Tempest gave a yawn as if the battle with the phantoms hadn't rattled her at all. it wasn't as wierd eating with the couple as she though it would be, seeing as she had no mate, infact it had been mostly quite, as there was a heavy air of dread sorronding them. It was probably because of being split up, for Frost and Zion, but a few nights ago she had gotten a message from Mira, and it wasn't a good one, in fact she was quite scared and the wolf hadn't shown it to anyone. It had pictured the one thing animals fear most.


        Of course Mira had told her her time was soon and that she must be prepared, for it was key to saving the world, even it meant sacrifices had to be made.
    17. After eating, they went to Greely's canyon-like room to draw on the pools of mana there, to teleport to Hyrestia.
      Evada, Ledra, Frost, Tempest and Pink, accompanied by Keldeo, Gleam and the newly hatched Matilda waved goodbye to the Alphas, apprentices and other heroes.
      A blue portal opened up, and they entered the portal... landing in Hyrestia.
      Ignacio and Amanda wrote their homework, dwindling in their home in Normalville, Massachusetts. It was normal, with the regular bullies in Normal Glen and the regular boring teachers and stupid parents, and icky school lunches.
      Suddenly, the ground shook.
      Suddenly, they entered the Duat.
      Two dragons, one black and one white, glared at them.
      "WE are Electro Chronos and Icirrus Chronos. You are the chosen ones. Follow us to Hyrestia..."
      Before Ignacio could exclaim "Cool!" they were face to face with the group of heroes, the animals wide-eyed.
      1. Tempest could only stare at the two things in front of her. "W-who are you?" Her eyes were narrowed and the shadows around her seemed to lift off the ground and flitter nervously, and a harsh glow illuminated her eyes as her muzzle formed somewhat of a snarl. Taking a step forward, electricity sparked and her pelt blew in the icy winds to reveal many deep and long scars, especially the one on her chest that darkness seemed to ooze out of.
    18. Before Amanda could act, though, Ignacio screamed in delight.
      "Talking animals with powers! I must be dreaming!"
      Frost glared at the boy, and used a beam to grab his throat.
      "You. Don't take us lightly or pay a hefty price." she growled in an icy cold tone.
      After some chatting, they finally agreed to go explore Hyrestia together.. before the ice golem attacked them.
      Tempest, two options:
      Pick one first, then proceed to the next. Of course, Matilda has nothing but the ability to throw bones, so you can skip her.
      1. Ledra quickly made a HUGE fireball and though it at the Ice golom, but It barly missed it.
    19. Frost used icefire, but the golem absorbed it and it became energy, blasting the heroes backwards.
    20. Tempest, at first, had been shocked and frozen with terror. That is, until she realized the other heroes needed help and had leapt into the action, though she was shivering each blow she had landed. From what Mira had shown her, it had seemed their were four ice golems in the battle that... she died. This only had 3 and she sent a quick prayer to Zios, hoping there was not a fourth.
      1. Ledra Roared in frustration and made breathed fire on one of the ice goloms melting it a tiny bit. But then It swung its huge fist at ledra sending her flying she hit an ice wall and was out cold
      2. "Ledra!" Tempest looked over her shoulder, seeing the limp wolf and one of the bigger ice goloms stalking toward her to finish the job. She shadow-morphed nearly on top of Ledra and growled at the ice golom, which, of course, had no effect. Just as it swung its spear Tempest grabbed Ledra and vanished into the Duat, dragging her away to a safer place inside a sealed cave where she would get her later, or if she wanted to Ledra could melt through the thin layer of ice. Even with the heartstone and Dark Mira after coming out of the Duat she could tell that had taken much mana and after finishing off this golom she might be out. "Over here you big, fat, chunky, frozen ice-cream thing," she taunted, but inwardly shuddered at the terrible insult. It seemed to do the trick though because very soon the beast was lumbering towards her. "Hey, Dark Mira, I could really use your help now," Tempest whispered through clenched teeth as the big, fat, chunky, frozen ice-cream thing came towards her. Nothing happened, and just as she thought the bird wouldn't be of help she was suddenly encased in a giant avatar, except this one was different. It seemed to be made of shadows, rather than the normal jell-o like substance she had learned about, though it still felt like running with a refrigerator. looking in the reflection of the snow she saw a giant shadow snake. "A snake... that's strange," knowing they symbolized Aphophis. Nevertheless, she wrapped her long tail around the now tiny ice golom, constricting as it struck her with icefire, until the head popped off, but it continued to battle. Tempest was panting now, her movements slower as she slashed at the giant creature's torso with the tip of her tail, which had a small rattle knife. Just as the battle avatar began to fade away and Tempest thought like she would pass out, the thing collapsed into a heap of ice shards. She saw a few of the other heroes staring at her as she plunked dizzily in the snow, her legs stuck out in front of her with black spots twirling before her eyes, threatening to invade her vision.
    21. Exit battle!
      Ignacio put some band-aids on Tempest's wounds, while Ledra managed to fix herself using some of the golem's DNA and the others recovered.
      Suddenly, a mist covered the area, and most of the heroes passed out. Only Vicky, Keldeo, Frost and Tempest remained.
      Two dragons appeared, misty mirages.
      "I am Icirrus Chronos. Frost, succeed me and bring glory to the Icirrus name." growled the white and red one.
      "I am Electro Chronos. Vicky, please bring justice to the vermin that is Icirrus. Bring glory to the Electro name." growled the blue and black one.
      Splitting into three pieces, the dragons once more split. Icirrus became a white, furred dragon known as Remy,Electro became a black, scaled dragon known as Zeke. From the ice parts of them, though, became a shell of them known as Kyurem.
      The three shards of the dragons became three stones, one white, one black, and one grey, and they fused with the heroes. Remy fused with Frost, making her wear a phoenix outfit, Zeke fused with Vicky, making her reverberate an aura of electricity and grow wings, and Tempest was fused with Kyurem.. to no external effect except for blue-tipped fur and several frozen limbs that somehow still moved well.
    22. Sorry to say, but I am quitting this roleplay, because I didn't have reasonable choices, so please remove Pink from this roleplay. Sorry for the inconvenience.
      1. Wait! I had no idea you didn't like them, I promise I will try to be more fair to you in the future! This roleplay needs diverse characters! Also, that will basically mean you will die in the stories, or become evil. Your character will also be very hard to revive, so are you sure you will quit? I recommend just going on STANDBY (inactive but alive) so that you can still keep your character but not worry about things. Also, Hyrestia Tales is the longest saga I have planned, and I was planning to have you in a key role! Please, change your mind, I do not want to let go of an intriuging character! In fact, I will count this as a filed complaint, so I can try to improve my roleplay! 2000 Points to your account (putting up all roleplayers on the club page soon) to try to make you feel better!
      2. ( Pink, nuuuuu. Also, I would like NOT to go on standby as of tomorrow, but you can still make Tempest an npc if needed, and remember the vision from Mira o-o )

        Tempest looked down, flexing her frozen arm-things. "Heh, heh, heh I look like a centipede... I wonder if I can just..." Focusing her energies, the many frozen limbs seemed to shrink into her body, but her fur remained blue tipped, as she liked the new style. As the other heroes got up, looking quite confused, there was a flash of light and she thought she saw a frowning Mira, looking down upon them.
        "Tempest, you will be the first to fall, just like all the other heroes will soon."
        "What do you mean?!"
        "You have all become too powerful, and," she let out a feathered sigh, "I think it would be best if you were to sacrifice your lives. I do regret casting the spell, slightly, and there may be a way to reverse the spell, but I believe some of your demises are set in stone." Her voice, sounded like a symphony, playing funeral music that is.
        Her claws crackling she saw everyone else with very unsettled expressions on their faces, and they all said in usion, "You heard it too, right?"
    23. (Controlling Tempest now, sorry!)
      Frost's icy cold glare was even colder under the inhibition of Icirrus.
      "If mother says so, I would happily perish for the good of Jamaa. I was spying on Mira and Zios, and she is worried that our unavoidable downfalls when Maximus Chronos is reborn will bring down Jamaa a notch, letting the phantoms sink everything below the sea and reclaim the ocean for Apophis." said Frost.
      Evada, Pink, Ledra, Vicky, Tempest, Keldeo, Ignacio, Amanda and Matilda nodded sadly.
      Deciding that staying put in the lush forest was a bad idea, since another golem could find them, they set off for a nearby town Evada said was nearby, called Gloria.
      Ice bats perched in the trees, vigilantly watching them, but did not make any offensive move.
      The regalness of a phoenix was all about Frost, emanating an aura of greatness and calm.
      As they approached the town, though, the Twolegs living there saw them and uneasily welcomed them.
      "Welcome, ambassadors of our gods." whimpered a large, obese man. They all wore modern clothes and had advanced technology, clearly, but acted like traditional worshippers of gods, which reminded the Jamaasians of Jamaa's Golden Age, filled with advanced, eco-friendly technology and worshippers of the sky gods.
      "How do they know the two Chronos are within us, even when they are shattered into three separate dragons?" growled Tempest.
      "Well, eons of living fearful of the wrath of the time dragons must have fine-tuned their senses to be able to sniff out their deities of worship easily." chimed Vicky and Frost, clearly in tune with each other because of their close relation.
      The hovercars and force-fields guarding the town made them feel safe, but it reminded the heroes too much of Vramaa, the darkened land filled with fear and un-healthy pollution. Oliver, Emile and Kragok once told them that Vramaa was once in a long Golden Age much like Jamaa's, only with much more advanced technology, when their gods (Aios and Zira, essentially replicas of Zios and Mira) were poisoned by richness and greed, turning the civilian's worlds upside down when they started to roboticize and enslave the inhabitants just to get more riches.
      The fat man talked to a guard wearing thick military (Hey, its a U.S. Marine! exclaimed Ignacio, but Amanda shushed him. Poor Twolegs, thought Frost, they have no clue why they are in a fantastical land and met advanced Twolegs and 'talking' animals.) armor in the local language that sounded somewhat like a cross of Cantonese and French, then the guard nodded and went over to the animals.
      "Follow me, then, Sucessors of the Dragons, to our holy priest's temple. Talk to him, and find your destiny." said the guard, immediately escorting them to a marble-pillar temple.


  1. As im gonna make a new AJ acc im gonna carry on writing stories XD so can Olivia get envolved?? Plz!

    P.S. Call me GeneralJitsu

    1. What about nicknaming you... um.. would you like Zoroark or GJ? Or both?
      Sure, I'll count this as a crossover, but please tag-continue and not write the entire story yourself, as this is a saga from the roleplay. You may want to join as Olivia or let me roleplay as you for an NPC, but you can alter what she does if you're not happy with what I'm doing.


Okay, new rules in place now! Please ask if you are confused with the rules.

1.No excessive mini-modding (Let Us Solve Probelms If You Can't Be Nice About It)
2. Minimal Cussing, Please (No Street Slang Or The "F" Word)
3. Good Grammar Prevails (Use Good Grammar And Spelling)
4. Spam? Eat It. (Make Comments Useful)
5. No Pestering (Ask Things, Then Wait For A Reply)
6. Safety First (Anon Comments Are Blocked To Prevent Personal Info Leaking)
7. No Vulgar Things (flashing, nudity, stripping, hangovers, sex, e.t.c.)
8. Organized! (Put Comments In The Right Place)
9. No Fuss, For All of Us (Opinions Are Removed For Safety)
10. Don't Be Underage (Be Near Teenage Age, Please)
11. No Religious Stuff (Except for "I don't believe in god, OR Jesus Christ who's not my Savior! If YOU aren't afraid to admit it, put this somewhere!", no offense intended.)