Monday, July 22, 2013

Rogues of Jamaa: Trickery

Ugh, so tired today.. so both me and Tallstar are doing short continuations of Rogues of Jamaa. Whats it to you?
Whoops, sorry for no stories. Here's the continuation for Rogues of Jamaa. Sorry it's a bit shorter than usual.
The next day, Ledra and Twilight met in the same spot. Twilight seemed troubled, and when she asked him what was going on, the answer horrified her. 
“Ledra, my allies suspect me. They ask me where I go every day, and when I can’t tell them, they get angry. Sooner or later, they will find out and kill me.”
Ledra’s lip trembled. “Then what- what- will we do?”
Twilight shook his head. “We can’t do this anymore. We can’t stay enemies. We have to join as one to stay together.”
“But Twilight,” Ledra whispered. “Jamaa can never forgive you for what you did to Tango and Mia.”
Twilight took a deep breath. “I know.” He hesitated. “I wanted to ask- I thought you might- will you- will you join me?”
Ledra backed away. “I can’t possibly leave my friends.”
Twilight dipped his head. “Then- then this is goodbye.”
“No Twilight! No!” Suddenly overwhelmed, Ledra stopped. “Let me- let me think about it.”
Twilight nodded and walked out of the clearing. 
Ledra sank onto the ground, suddenly exhausted. She thought about what would happen if Twilight left. Would all those days count for nothing? Her friends didn’t really need her did they? After all, she needed Twilight more. Yes, she thought, that settles it. Running, in the direction that Twilight had left she caught up to him.
“I’ve decided,” she told him slowly. “I’ll join you.”
Ledra sighed.
"Shade, please get me enough energy to make a duplicate so that I have time to summon all of the Jamaasian Heroes and tell them to destroy my copy so that I can keep Jamaa safe." muttered Ledra.
A mirage of Shade appeared, dressed in heavy robes and diamond/gold jewelry. Twilight made no reaction, which meant only she could see Shade.
"Yes, our combined powers can, but until the duplicate is killed, you will need to be in stasis." said Shade. "Which means, I will have to inhabit the copy to give it life and not A.I. When it is killed, I will return to your body and revive you. Deal?" said Shade. 
Ledra hesitated, then said: "Deal."
"Ledra, I think you should go back to pack your things." said Twilight.
Ledra nodded. 
"I should, I think that I will need to magically transport my room in the hut so that I can live with you." said Ledra. Everything was going well!
Twilight nodded.
"Say... that bronze ring you wear.. by chance, are you married?" asked Twilight.
"Uhm... yes. I am married to Drakus Wyvers Desertstone." replied Ledra, blushing.
Twilight's eyes darkened.
"Fine." he said after a moment. "Meet me here tomorrow."
Twilight darted away, and Ledra sighed.
"I guess I may never wake up... but its for the better."

"What?! You're going into stasis? But we need you here!" cried Frost, knocking the teapot off the table. "That's insane!"
Ledra sadly nodded.
"I'm sorry, Frost, but its for the better."
"Bu-but Snowyclaw is essentially DEAD now! We can't lose TWO Jamaasian Heroes!" stuttered Frost. "I just... can't bear to know that two heroes are inactive under my watch!"
Ledra shook her head. Tempest, Vicky, Ignacio, Amanda, Pink, Evada and Keldeo watched them as they sipped white tea.
Frost's face looked sad, then hardened.
"Okay. Somebody get a stasis tube for me. Pink, lend Ledra a little bit power. Evada, pool some energy to lock Ledra in a safe place in the Duat. Vicky, also pool energy to cast wards over her resting place. Ignacio and Amanda, find some flowers in the area to place next to Ledra. Keldeo, get the Sea Heart ready to make sure Ledra doesn't fall too deep in a deep sleep. Tempest... um... you get the stasis tube." said Frost, gesturing as she spoke.
Everyone except Tempest nodded. Tempest groaned and walked outside their tea room.
Ledra sadly looked at all of her allies. She knew that she would probably never be awake again, locked as a wandering spirit within the Duat. 
"Shade, get ready to make a duplicate. Please... before you join the Coraxese, tell Drakus that I am in stasis and that it is best that he never sees me unless I awaken." whispered Ledra.
Shade seemed to nod within her.
"Alright.. Ledra, get ready..."
Ledra tensed for the moment of slumber to come.

After about three hours, everyone was ready for the big event. Tempest had somehow lugged a large, titanium and tainted glass stasis tube, with flexible plastic tubes ready to be hooked up to Ledra.
Frost sadly watched, her powers also pooled up to help out with the copy.
Ledra was dressed in soft, silk fabric, and nearly was ready for the moment.
The moment of copying.
"Anum armuntum fagaris." said Vicky. 
Barriers of light surrounded Ledra, and several rings of nurturing energies were absorbed by her shaggy body.
Next, Ledra was placed in the coffin-like stasis tube, and the tubes were hooked up to her, but leaving the lid open.
Pink stepped up, in a shrunken Legend Pink form, and lent Ledra enough power to keep her in a deep sleep forever. Pink turned back to normal form, and slid back into her room to recover from mana depletion.
Power surged through her veins as the two Twoleg siblings lay down flowers next to her, and Keldeo sprinkled sacred water on her face.
Ledra imagined Drakus kissing her goodbye, and weakly smiled.
"Shade, its time."
Slowly, Ledra started to get sleepy as mist came off her fur. First, traits came off, and Ledra's eyelids began to droop. Then, powers came, and her body started to numb.
"Zios... its happening.." said Frost, watching as an artificial Ledra started to form.
Then, appearance came, and Ledra started to get incredibly drowsy.
Last but not least, her memories came out.
For a moment, her mind was blank, and Frost quickly slid an oxygen mask over herself as Evada closed the lid.
"Goodbye...maybe forever..."
Ledra closed her eyes, and softly heard the sound of the capsule dissolving as Evada sent her away.
(Winter, you can roleplay as her wandering spirit, and Tallstar, you can write stories about the fight against the copy of Ledra. Goodbye, Ledra...)


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