Friday, September 13, 2013

Ultimate Goal

Even though this is a small-name blog I try to mantain, I am aiming for 1 million views, because I want to get my stories shared and whatnot. I think I'll try to write a Special Edition because today is an "unlucky" day, Friday 13, 2013. Heh, the apocalypse never happened, why worry? *winks*
So, to help out my sincere goal, why don't we try to all pitch in? Google+ my posts, recommend this blog, dispel all those rumors I'm sure are floating around about me (sigh), and overall promote my blog. Now, you may be thinking: "I like Animal Jam Spirit better, why should I, of all people, pitch in?" Well, I'm not forcing you into anything, and it's your choice if you want to help. If you really do like my stories, though, this is a great thing to do! Plus, if I get to see more views, I could REALLY improve my skills and hopefully become a bestselling author in 20 years or so (I'm the youngest Spirit Jammer I'm aware of, even though I'm planning to quit to focus on this blog... Just like Goofy, just like Goofy.), and you could read my stories as you raise some brat kids (hopefully not bratty kids, of course, but its nearly inevitable)! Win, win. Again, I am NOT forcing you into anything, I simply have this minor request of all of you. If this blog gets as famous as Animal Jam Spirit, I'll faint. So, please do this girl a favor, and help out? *smiles*
Anyways, as bonus content, here is a comedy using Drakus and a new face...

Bonus content:
NO! BAD LUCK! (Comedy)
Drakus: Heya. How are you doing, helephant?
Salsa: *twisting her red adorned clothing* I am NOT a helephant, for the last time, Drakus!
Drakus: But you look like one.
Salsa: Why, you dare!
Drakus: You're not as lovely as Ledra was. I wish I could find somebody to be with, as she abandonded me. Outta the blue.
Salsa: So, she swam away?
Salsa: Woah, woah.
Drakus: Ledra was the fairest of them all... and yet, she left me, a crocodile with a vision of the future. Once, she killed a snake just for me. Catching all that?
Salsa: You must have some bad luck, being heartbroken by Ledra. From what I've heard, she's a nice Jamaasian Hero. Being a new recruit from Appondale, I... never met her.
Drakus: Wait, bad luck?
Salsa: Duh! Today's Friday 13th, 2013!
Drakus: No! So I shouldn't be around somebody who sets herself on fire!
Salsa: *turning beet red* I do NOT!
Drakus: Yes, you do! You just did! You're angry now, aren't 'cha! *runs away laughing and clutching gut while Salsa chases him with a broomstick)

Like it? c=

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