Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Halloween Makeover!

Somewhat major blog update. First of all, Ibp hasn't been active lately, but I'm sure she'll write again soon. Tallstar is also a bit inactive, although its okay. Tempest has been busy, so no new stories and roleplay tales for now, sadly. I hope that Tallstar didn't mind I branched off the saga we were collaborating on into Fighting Aios without warning, I knew that I needed to use Fighting Aios as a way to get new and obscure characters a bit attention, so I used the Coraxese gang as extra characters.
The header hasn't changed, but the background is now white and black and the font black to celebrate the upcoming Night of the Phantoms! It is the day where Jamaasians around the world dress as various creatures and defend the reserves of candy with fire, the fear of most phantoms, new model or old model, and to have fun otherwise. However, Apophis is also most powerful on this night, almost as powerful as he is on the winter solstice. The spring equinox is sometime where he tries to interrupt things with his deadly powers, so watch out for more stories on those days, along with special editions going along with major holidays and special days! However, I didn't do special editions for the 9/11 incident and Constitution day, along with Yom Kippur and whatnot, because I don't have time, and those are American days, not Jamaasian days. I'm sorry if you were waiting for stories about that, I am having trouble writing recently, so I need more time to write and some stimulation. I've observed that I write more when I'm talking about the Jamaasian Heroes rather than the Alphas, so sadly I will be restraining from writing about the original Smart Bomb cast.
In other news, the Search bar has been moved up for your convienience, with few edits. Phew, finally! -.- I am planning to de-clog the Roleplay page soon, and hopefully get the Warriors storyline updated soon. Ugh, I'm falling behind time!
Also, I want more input from other Jamaasians, stories and whatnot. Some more mods to keep the site running smoothly and to keep things under control when I'm away would be nice, I say. I know that I'm a bit stubborn and hard to work with, and I'm very impatient, but I would REALLY appreciate more mods. I'm not saying General and the others are bad, its just that this blog needs maintainence, and I need a larger team to keep the site updated (it was originally meant to post 3-4 stories per day). Also, the server has been laggy and several bugs running rampant on the site, I will update the Authors page with occupations I need, and an oath to keep the site running at least DECENTLY. If you can't manage, I'm sorry, but you can be a second-hand author that helps out, kinda taking the role of a Spirit Jammer. So, huge update, my deepest apologies if something is buggy or if I don't do something I promised.
Toodles, please keep on reading the vast archive of stories I have gathered!


  1. Its not that I don't like the look of the blog or anything, but can you change the colour of the font in the post? Its just I can't read it

    1. You're an administrator, so please try it yourself, General. Please be more specific, too. Is it the body text or something else?


Okay, new rules in place now! Please ask if you are confused with the rules.

1.No excessive mini-modding (Let Us Solve Probelms If You Can't Be Nice About It)
2. Minimal Cussing, Please (No Street Slang Or The "F" Word)
3. Good Grammar Prevails (Use Good Grammar And Spelling)
4. Spam? Eat It. (Make Comments Useful)
5. No Pestering (Ask Things, Then Wait For A Reply)
6. Safety First (Anon Comments Are Blocked To Prevent Personal Info Leaking)
7. No Vulgar Things (flashing, nudity, stripping, hangovers, sex, e.t.c.)
8. Organized! (Put Comments In The Right Place)
9. No Fuss, For All of Us (Opinions Are Removed For Safety)
10. Don't Be Underage (Be Near Teenage Age, Please)
11. No Religious Stuff (Except for "I don't believe in god, OR Jesus Christ who's not my Savior! If YOU aren't afraid to admit it, put this somewhere!", no offense intended.)