Monday, September 2, 2013

Frost's Love Notes

Just a little something while I work on finishing Fighting Aios and Journey to Kimbara along with explanations of the Meet Cosmo adventure (maybe with a story enclosed). It's just a short story updating the rocky relationship between Frost and Zion. Warning: It may be sappy.

Frost sighed as she ate spicy curry in  Jade's lodge. A warm fire burned in one corner, with a grandfather clock ticking away the seconds and minutes in the time stream. Pink seemed anxious as Tails-Ko tended to her cyborg parts to make sure everything was stable, and everyone else in the lodge was either sleeping or training in the woods.
Frost wished that she could move faster, as Apophis seemed very desperate to revive Maximus Chronos, but whenever she said it aloud, Jade would assure her that everything was okay and that they would win.. or would they?
Sipping her guava juice, the leopard got off her stool and went over to the wine cellar trapdoor to drink a little bit and ease her uneasiness.
As soon as she opened the soggy door and felt a blast of frigid air, Jade's smooth palm tapped her shoulder.
"Don't do that, Frost, you are barely old enough to drink alcohol, and it may cloud your senses."said Jade. "I'm about 17 and freshly out of puberty, yet I don't want to do anything like that."
Frost gritted her teeth at the young echidna, and snarled.
"That's the point. I'm so helplessly lost in this stupid world that some alcohol or aspirin would do me good." snarled the snow leopard.
Jade raised an eyebrow.
"That's not a good sign, Frost. I don't want you to go insane, so don't rely on unstable and dangerous things like that. Why not write something to Zion or one of your other friends?" insisted Jade. "Once, when I was being bullied, I wrote letters to Onyx, who was at a military camp at that time, and he wrote back saying that Shadow was a little overexpectant, and he needed a friend to rely on. So, we wrote back and forth, and eventually our bond strengthened and we got courage to stand up for what we believed in." suggested the echidna.
Frost let the shadows cover her eyes, which were starting to tear up.
"Thing is, Zion is concerned for me! He's worried to hell! If I write to him, I'll have to dodge bombs of concern! Plus, since I told him I don't want to be protected, he seems to hate my guts despite being concerned for me." growled Frost.
Jade sighed.
''You're as persistent as my mother told me you were. Look, my mother is concerned for me, and I write to her sometimes anyways! Your silence is probably not helping, Frost, and if you don't do something soon... you could possibly make Zion... you know... commit suicide."
Frost's head whirled around, her teal-black eyes exposed and with tears whipping out of them. She had never been so embarrassed, so angry, and so sad at the same time.
"I don't care, Jade! You're not anybody I really care about! Everyone I loved, including my parents, foster family and friends are either insane or DEAD! DEAD! I don't care about life, all I want is to make sure Apophis doesn't worsen the world, then die! I don't care about fighting anymore, I don't care about my health, I don't care about sanity, HECK, I'M PLANNING TO LEAVE MY BODY WHEN THIS IS DONE WITH! Go away, Jade, get lost! I need nothing but eternal silence!" screamed Frost.
"Ack, you're the loud one." growled a familiar voice.
Gleam stepped out of the shadows, crystalline scales glittering in the light of candles.
Frost, full of fury, threw a box of Swedish Fish at the unsuspecting dragon, and the cardboard box exploded with red gummies flying everywhere.
A few landed on the table, flopping around, a few in Jade's hair, but most of them landed in Gleam's mouth.
"Why, thank you, master! Your tantrums are at least rewarding to my taste buds! Mmm-mm!"
Frost, tears gleaming down her neck and fur mangled, growled, then padded into the shadows of the hallway.
Jade sighed, and went back to the dining table to eat animated Swedish Fish and think about how to get through to Frost.

Inside her guest room, Frost glared at a photo of Zion with her at the Sand Pyre, smiling and cuddling each other. Frost had a strong temptation to smash the glass and burn the photo up, but something held her back from such arson.
The pegasi-down sheets shifted, and Frost looked back at them.
"Huh. That's odd. Bayetta and Pink assured me a bajillion times that there are no bedbugs or animals living in the sheets, killed by a special spell that has been working for billions of years. Maybe its a small animal that crawled inside...?"
Knowing that the nights were long and festive in Hyrestia, Frost didn't mind messing up her made bed, as she wasn't planning to sleep in it anyway.
As soon as she pulled back the covers... Frost found a box of Kleenex.
"Hmm." muttered Frost.
The candlelight flickering and making shadows, Frost took out a scented tissue and blew her nose.
The sound echoed in the tiny room, and scared a few mice in the cupboard, but other than that the noise had no effect - no screaming alarm clocks, no startled creatures leaping on her face, no scuffling and moaning of awakened Jamaasians. This silence seemed to gift Frost with much-needed Silence, and calm of mind, so she blew her nose more, and more, and more.
With each HOOOOONK!, Frost calmed down more, as if a meter of anger was being drained. More and more white balls landed in the wood trash bin next to her desk, and the Kleenex box started getting lighter and lighter.
As soon as the box was empty and the trash bin full to the brim, Frost threw away the cardboard box in the recycling bin and lay down on the comfortable mattress. Eyeing some crumpled Origami paper on her desk, probably from Dawson's many attempts at paper-folding, and a classic feather pen near it, along with a fat inkbottle, Frost made a wise desicion.
She started to write.

As the strokes of the delicate pen made handwriting on the paper, she envisioned Zion picking it up from a Blue Macaw envelope and reading it, then dancing with joy. Trying to make sure their relationship got better, she made a poem for her boyfriend:
                                       Roses are red,
                                       Phantoms are black,
                                       To my dear Zion, who has a (somewhat) level head,
                                       Please love me again so we can snuggle on the bed.
                                       (P.S. You're a good chess-nerd, ned.)

Frost face-palmed at the uncreativity and sappiness of the poem, but she remembered that Zion, for one, didn't mind creativity that was suppressed, and two, liked ANYTHING that praised his chess skills. Gently placing the goose feather back in the faux-ice bottle and sealing the poem in a standard-issue parchment envelope, she addressed it to Sir Gilbert's Room, Alphas' Hut, Not His Cave, Jamaa Township, Republic of Jamaa, North Hemisphere, and left a little sapphire inside that she found in the (dead) priest's robes.
"He'd better enjoy this and write back, because I really need the happiness."  muttered Frost.
Tossing the envelope out the window, a blue macaw swooped down to pick it up, and after some nimble reading and weight-checking, slid it inside his leather mailbag and flew away.
Drowsy from the effort of brainstorming, Frost lay down on the bed, and fell asleep.

In the middle of the early morning, Frost woke up, and decided to stay up for an hour until she could do a "second-sleep", or another sleep after an hour of doing things.
Feeling relaxed, she stepped outside into the frigid, Christmas-style village, and walked up the icy footpath to the wooden mailbox the Mobian Heroes had placed in their holiday lodge/Hyrestia Base. A retinal scan checked her eye, then beeped "Operator recognized. Frost Miranda Sagearium, you are welcomed to check the mail by Netgram Izzy." beeped the program. A Netgram was a special program meant for security or companionship avaliable ONLY in Neo Mobius.
The little wooden door popped open, hanging beneath as if to say: "I'll hang here until you're done."
Frost groped inside, a bit relaxed due to the silence of the winter wonderland, and felt a cold, yet soft, envelope at the back that had an aura of... chess matches?!
"Zion! He came through! Jeez, I had no idea that he was awake at this hour! Probably staying up memorizing new chess tactics, or he's just worried sick. Either one isn't good for him." muttered Frost.
Taking out the envelope, the Netgram sensed the loss of body heat, and closed the automatic door.
"Thank you, Frost! Please come back soon to check the mail!" beeped Izzy.
Trudging through the thick, burning cold snow, Frost saw a partridge fly off a snowed pine tree in surprise that somebody was nearby, and she sighed.
"Just like the ol' Jamaaliday song. On the first day of the Jamaalidays, Mira gave to me... ONE PARTRIDGE ON A TREE!" chirped Frost. She felt good, despite the howling winter winds, and starting singing an out-of-rhythm Jamaaliday carol, probably annoying the neighbors.
From inside, she thought she heard Remy chuckling at her host's silliness.
Inside the warm lodge, Frost sat on a cushion-covered rocking chair near the fireplace, and warmed her cold paws while reading Zion's reply. Grabbing for a mug of hot coco, she read this aloud:

                                         Beans are green,
                                         My heart is pink,
                                         I have a need for your speech from reed (this means throat to an extent)
                                         And your love is my feed.

Frost burst out laughing, at it was even sappier than her note, and sighed in delight.
"Huh, I'll try sending more of these letters to Zion. Time to get writing."
Getting up from the chair, she dashed into her room, slid Zion's letter into a nice glass jar, curled up like a scroll, and started writing a reply, in poem format.

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