Sunday, August 4, 2013

Element Wolves- Sea of Valor.

I smiled as the salty waves lapped at my paws, the sand sinking under the weight of my body. Whenever I am at the beach, I feel like i am at the greatest den ever. I was born to be in the water. I just know it. I assure you, I am one of the only Arctic Wolves ever who has swam through the entire length of Riverere Languas. They say it comes from my mom. She looks down at me, her wispy hair fluttering in the wind. We smile at each other then dip into the sea. The rest of the pack tentatively stands at the edge of the water, watching our graceful strokes. My mother leads the way, and soon enough, the pack seems as though its the size of a pill bug. My mother and I are not talkers. We are more smilers. She grins at me, I grin back. We have a moment of peace. Her stare is icy cold, in the warm way. Its hard to explain. One minute, my mom is smiling, the next, she lets out a blood-curling cream. I was only a pup then, maybe a year. The scream filled the once peaceful air. I dive down into the icy cold water. When I poke my eyes up, I see huge black blobs of creatures. Hideous creatures at that. They stare at me, as if to say, “She’s next.” My mom is being carried by the creatures. She looks lifeless. “LET HER GOOOOO!!” I cried and cried. They didnt listen. They swarmed closer to me, so close I could see every sizzle of electricity flying from their arms. They leaned closer. And closer. Then, instinctively i twirled around and flailed my legs, sending foamy sea water all over them. My mom is dropped into the water, and the creatures dissapear. I am stunned. I will never forget this day. Ever. My pack was gone. I stared down at my mother. Her face was pale. She looked skinnier then before. She breathed the smallest bits, conserving all her energy into whispering “A...A-A-Aqua, k-k-kill t-them f-for m-m-me. Th-tha-thats a-ll I a-as-ask.” Then she was gone. “Kill who?” I cried. “No, please! This isnt funny! Come back mommy! Please! Noooooo.” I dragged her limp body to a flotsam, having to go onto my shaking knees. I knew that if I had to carry her heavy body back to shore, I would die too. So I sadly let go of her, My tears colder then the Arctic water surrounding me, my heart feeling as if someone was squeezing it so hard, the blood dripped out of it. I managed to fall asleep on the flotsam, and as soon as I woke up the next morning, felt sweet land. Sweet, sandy land.

I balanced on my legs, yawned a great yawn and looked up expecting to see my mother’s face. When I looked up to see swirly clouds floating in the air instead of my mother’s delicate face, a pang of pain bumped against me. She was gone. She is gone. She wont be back. I cried out, wondering how I would be eatin once some predator found me. I peered at the area surrounding me which was covered with tangled brush, with tall trees looming above. I was in a forest. I must have drifted into the small lake. To my right was an ancient bulding, contents unknown. To my left was a temple-like buliding.In my front was the dead end of a lake. I wearily climed off the log, and stabalized myself on land. I lookd around the buildings. I was right about it being temple-like. Words that looked like sticks spelled out “THE LOST TEMPLE OF ZIOS” 
The building to my right , untouched. I pushed open the door with my paws, and i saw a group of animals huddled together. They seemed to be busy, sweat trickling down their fur. I ran to the door to leave, but they must have heard me because one of the animals swirled around to meet face-to-face with me. She was a panda, her furry mask was a deep shade of black, her caring eyes arched upwards.She stood up and called out “She’s here! The animals ran over to the doorway. “She’s here? She’s here!” Excited calls rang out. What do they want from me? I wondered? Hello young ling! The panda smiled. “What is your name?” “A-a-a-aqua” I replied, nervous in the presence of a stranger. “My name is Liza. We are the Alphas. We fight the phantoms.” “The phantoms?” I asked.The name itself sent a shiver down my spine. “Oh yes. They have one eye, crackling electricity and many long-” She didnt have to say any more. I knew what she was talking about. The creatures that drowned my very musch loved and grieved mother. Then, a moment came back to me. My mother lay on her back whispering, “Kill them!” She wanted me to kill the phantoms. And if these animals fought them, an oppurtunity was in bloom.

Liza pointed to a bengal tiger. This, she said, is Sir Gilbert, AKA Mr. Show off. Sir gilbert growled deeply. “Hello child.” Liza pointed to a rabbit. “This is Peck.” Peck did 2 backflips then a 360 degrees turn in the air. I stared at her with awe. She just said, I’m excited your’e here!” Liza gestured towards a shabby looking monkey. “This is Graham. Gilbert’s the brawns, this guy’s the brains.” Graham seemed friendly. He shook my paw, and we moved on. “Last , but not least, is Cosmo here.” Cosmo seemed more interested in his daisy flower then me, but he still grunted out a greeting. “Together, we fight and conquer as the Alphas! Would you like to help us Aqua?” “Sure! “ I cried out quick. “Before we start,” Liza sighed, “ I would like to explain your and mine powers.

“You have control over the seas aqua.” “Whaddya mean?” You can control the one thing phantoms hate. WE WILL WIN!” Thunder filled the air. A chorus of evil laughter wafted through. “Muhuhuhaaaaaaaa!” A phantoms face filled the sky.”Take Cover!” Thousands of phantoms sped down from the clouds, twitching.RUN! Liza screamed.I ran for cover, under the building of which its contents were unknown. The phantoms were closing in. I pushed the door with all my might until BAM! The door opened. A huge puff of dusty air blew in my face.I ran in, and the door slammed shut. I felt safe, but incredibly lonely until the whole room lit up. I heron squaked, her wings reached high up in the air, sending a puff of air towards me.She must have been very suprised. “ How did you get in here?” “I, well, knocked the door down.” “Then why is your fur soaking wet?” I lifted my paw. It ached of pain. I could feel water slipping of my slick fur. “I do!” I cried. The heron stared at me. “They need you out there Aqua” Suddenly, i was out again. I closed my eyes and imagined a wave, a tsunami, I Heard a crashing noise and I weakly stared at the land surrounding me. No phantoms. Just puddles. THEY WERE GONE!!!!!! I looked around for Liza. I found her and the other Alphas huddled in the same room I was in. But no heron.The alphas stared at me with awe. Aqua, you saved us! Thanks you!I simply nodded. Liza looked at me with determination.”They will come back They always will.” “I lived 12 years of my life with the everlasting Alphas.Until the phantoms returned.

10 years later
salty tears. They slippped down my face, silently, but surely. I cried all night. I was standing right where my mother had been takin away. “Are you ready to fight Aqua?” Liza whispered. I nodded solemly. “Yes I am. Always. I will always fight.” The phantoms have returned. Liza stared into my eyes, her eyes huge and brown. There’s more then we can handle Aqua. Way more. We will need help from-” “The Jamaasians.”I whispered. I had heard tales of the gooddoing citizens of Jamaa. Surely, they will help! But when we got to Jamaa, all we saw were greedy animals lying to goodwilling animals just so they could be rich. I growled at them, and sent a wave towards them. The temple of Zios! Liza cried. We hurried over to the temple, and I suggested we used the heron room. The alphas looked at me strangley. “Nevermind. I said. But we used the room anyway. I send a hurricane onto the hevely bolted door, opening it, and cracking it. Peck painted two warning signs. The room opened into a huge, grassy field. We used teamwork to build shacks and portals. “Why did the phantoms choose now to take over Jamaa?” I asked Liza one day. She replied, “Because right now, there are more bad jammers then good jammers. And less good jammers means less fighters” The words sank in. More bad jammers... MORE BAD JAMMERS?????? This was horrible.

 After months of hard labor, we were ready to fight.

They were hideous. But we fought. And fought. And won. If the phantoms attack again, we will have the base camp. Many bad jammers became better. Because, if they didnt fight, they would just be killing everyone else.

So, enjoy the first 


  1. NOt trying to be mean or to judge, but theres errors, should I try fix them for you?

    1. LOL, Sorry about that. Originally this was my entry for a story contest, so its bound to have some street slang. I would really appreciate that though. Thanks!

  2. My laptop froze so like, now im on my phone, its annoying coz it some times gets a bit wonky. Anywho,ita a great story :-D

  3. Hey my laptops working XD

  4. Hey!!!!! THIS IS TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!! I love it! I guess i like every story on dis blog... lol good work!

  5. Do you like the new music? I think I messed up choosing Chemical Plant, but I did my best to make good tunes.


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