Sunday, November 3, 2013

Belated Update!

Great job, everyone! We just hit over 20,000 views, which is incredible for a blog I started this year! We're rivaling a blog I author on, Thunder News, by maybe 5-16 views, and its been up much longer! O.O
Also, I've been losing interest in writing Hyrestia Tales, so I'm falling behind in writing... and its being used to upgrade the storyline of Alouette, Terra, Cerveau and Neige to the finest. I don't have any ideas for the "MegaMan Legends" time period, I'm open to suggestions.
So far, here is a VERY ROUGH timeline...
In the beginning, when Zios was born from nothingness and wove the universe, he created Mira. They lived happily in a Utopia, but soon grew bored and unsatisfied with their primordial work. So they created Earth, and Apophis. Apophis was first meant as the guardian of Earth, swimming in its murkiest waters, but soon grew greedy. To punish the primordial serpent, Zios made Jamaa, but he also made it because he was working with Mira and they desired to. They made it a Utopia below the heavens, filled with diverse animals, plentiful food supplies and great weather.
Apophis, however, was mad. So, he possessed Zios, when he was walking among his creations, and ordered the good people to make a statue in honor of Zios. They toiled hard and starved from working to encrust it with gemstones from all over. (You know the rest.)
After the initial Phantom War and the final stand where the Alphas regained power, they worked to keep Jamaa safe. It was no longer a Utopia. (First timeline ends.)
(New timeline starts, we're at the end of it.) Frost arrives, countless millenia later, and is trained to great extents. With some friends, recruits other powerful Jamaasians destined to restore Jamaa and destroy the Is'Fet forces. They go on many adventures, inadvertly aid with the restoration efforts of Blankworld and Vramaa, and bring Jamaa to its former glory. (From now on, spoilers ahead!) They save Hyrestia and destroy Apophis and all of his forces with the power of Maximus Chronos, but at the expense of Snowyclaw, Frost and Tempest. For their efforts, the other Jamaasian Heroes were crowned immortals, but in the explosion of Hyrestia, many residents were dislocated and most of Jamaa was inhabitable. So they made Arcadia in Crystal Sands, and Graham made a "perfect copy" of Frost meant to fill in for her. (Second Timeline Ends.)
(New timeline starts.) Snowyclaw awakens in the Netherworld, the remnants of Hyrestia. The scientist Dr. Madison (Maddie) is being pursued by Arcadian forces, and awakens Snowy to aid her. Swiftly destroying the robots, Snowy is amnesia-affected and is confused by how Madison is in a Carbon body to extend her life. She reluctantly agrees to fight Arcadia for Madison, as Arcadia and her former allies are enforcing cruel laws, and the Alphas have mysteriously faded. After destroying Copy Frost, she wanders around the badlands in search of her past, and years later collapses from exhaustion and despair. Pink, although deadly ill, rescues her and takes her to Maddie's airship. She then finds that Lucifer, a Carbon escaped from Arcadia, is commanding Maddie's allies against Arcadia. When the forces lose to the might of the Immortal Jamaasian Heroes, Lucifier goes crazy and delves into the Duat, where he gains the power of Apophis and Maximus Chronos by destroying the empty bodies of Frost and Tempest. Snowy barely manages to destroy him, and Lucifer's soul becomes an angel swimming in the depths of the Duat. Later, Snowy finds out that Frost and Tempest became wandering cores when they left their bodies, and they are aiding her in secret ways. She finds that long ago, when she was de-roboticized, her Mecha body resisted, and was blasted into the Duat. Now, though, because Apophis was spliced from Lucifer and destroyed, Mecha escaped in the resulting rip and wrock havoc. Snowy fights her, but Mecha vanishes, and is tracked down to an airship going to explode on Arcadia and blow up the rest of the Jamaasian race. Snowy averts the collison, but ultimately dies in the crash. (End of timeline.)
After Snowy's death, Madison takes the ruins of the ship and makes four robots named Terra (MR-001), Alouettte (MR-002), Neige (MR-003), and Cerveau (MR-004). However, just as she was finishing them, Arcadia,  believing she started all the chaos that nearly destroyed Arcadia, arrests her and the robots are sealed away and left to rust by the authorities. Eventually, knowing their mistakes, the Jamaasian Heroes leave Arcadia to fade away and join the cores of Frost, Tempest and Snowyclaw.
(I won't reveal more, sorry! Bai!)

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