Sunday, December 15, 2013

Hyrestia Tales: The Final Trial Part Two

(Please note: the last story was a result of laziness. I won't do that again... or will I? BWA HA HA HA HAHA HAHAHAHAHA....)

Snowyclaw looked into the deep, frozen eyes of Icirrus Frost. They seemed to be blank and unseeing, yet sparkles ignited every few seconds inside, as if something were struggling to escape. Yet, as if Icirrus wanted Snowy to cave in on despair (as if!), a deep, low grumble escaped from Frost's throat; halfway lodged between a contented purr and a frustrated yowl.
Responding to her feelings, Snowy felt the roar of Electro Chronos rattle her bones. She looked around in fright, thinking that Electro somehow materialized in the real world; but everybody else seemed at peace - as much at peace as you can be when your best friend turns into a demonic abomination.
"Icirrus, you want to play mind games with me, huh?" she muttered harshly under her breath. "Fine. Let's play a game meant for two."

Tempest really didn't need Snowy, the BFF of her mentor, Frost, to transform and scare her even more.
But then, it happened, a spectacle of surging electricity coming from the ground around Snowy, and a hole opening in the sky for her thunderbolts to seep through. In return, Snowyclaw's appearance was altered in due part of becoming the messiah of Electro - or at least, the representative of all that Electro was, down to the core.
Tempest shuddered all over, whimpering like a cowardly loser, making the cold breath of Frost change tunes as it laughed oh-so mockingly at Tempest's stupidity. She might as well have held up a sign saying "I'M WEAK, KILL ME BY THE THROAT."
Truth be told, after Poseidon's Helm, she grew a phobia of Power Out. Yes, sure, it was described in ancient legends as a "holy connection between the Great Ones and their chosen messiahs" and "a way of achieving true power", blah blah blah. However, in truth, if you didn't overcome the intense trial of gaining control of Power Out, then you were pretty much a feral beast, not like those winged archangels legends described.
There was also the fact that while transforming, as your powers flowed into Electro, and a steady feed came back to you from the deity's essence, you were extremely vulnerable.
At that moment, Icirrus Frost noticed that too, and lunged for Snowy's neck.
Tempest leapt after her.

Savior was in a stupor, reeling after the eidolon seeped into her bones. Yet, she felt as if it weren't sent by Apophis; it was sent by a lost hero.
The lost hero...
Savior leafed through the legends she'd amassed in her brain's archives,  looking for any sort of lost hero. It was a crazy lead, yes, but it also was a plausible one.
Marco the penguin Alpha... But why would the military strategist of the Alphas send me an eidolon? He's not that evil... Salsa the fire Jamaasian Hero... She just arrived at the Alpha's Hut, and is receiving training from Otto and Drakus. Besides, she is no necromancer, and probably would kill herself trying to even make a veggie poltergeist. Wait... a story Marco told me...
Savior shuddered, and she finally could move her limbs, although if she were already mobile, she would've froze again.

Snowyclaw was in the final stage of metamorphosis, yet still just as vulnerable. She looked up, and saw a distorted Icirrus Frost lunging for her. She tried to scrabble back, but Electro's power made her stay rooted to the spot. She tried to adjust her position, but it turned into excruciating pain. She tried to summon her flute, but she was already taking too much energy out of the surrounding area to call on a Duat-stored item. She unsheathed her claws, but they worked as well as a jello sword would.
Then, Tempest body-slammed into Icirrus, and they were sent flying out of Snowy's way just the way a warring cat and dog would, tumbling in a ball of flying fur and blood as they gouged at eyes and slashed towards the neck.
Suddenly, despite not having any fancy transformation, Tempest suddenly had iced joints and blue fur tendrils on her. It was majestic as Snowy's electricity melted away, and she joined the fight.
Just as soon as she fought, Snowy was bombarded with flying claw aimed at her neck, probably from Icirrus. Her eyes fogged by black and grey fur pressed against her eyes, Snowyclaw lashed out. Her foot made a fighter yowl, which Snowy prayed to Father Sky was Icirrus and not Tempest.
She pressed her paw the to grey fur as she heard the yowls of pain and blood trickling onto her fur, and charged up electricity - so blinding hot it could kill a full-grown Twoleg. Since Frost and Tempest were both battle-worn, that sort of power only stunned them for a minute.
Just as she released the power and Frost yowled, the burning sensation of icefire and pure ice mixed together pressed against her belly forced her out of the fighting clump of fur, and flinched as she was slammed against the aurora borealis paveway. She felt as if some of her teeth were cracked, but she was sure a simple spell would heal that.
Ignoring the searing pain in her belly and full of determination, she ran towards the rolling clump and bit down on whatever she could find. A few teeth snapped out, but again, that didn't matter.
Just as she rejoined the clump of fur, she realized that whatever spell binded them to once spot already shattered, leaving puddles of mana everywhere. Rolling over an especially hot spot, she realized it was rejuvenating her. The teeth broken replaced themselves, the searing pain eased, and her blood went back into her. Yet, she was still tired, and burning out mana very quickly. If she didn't solve things soon, then she would faint, fall into the sea, die, and all was lost. Happily ever after, right?
Suddenly, a claw came out of nowhere and slashed a gash above her eyes. Blood immediately seeped from the wound and blinded her eyes.
"What-" Snowyclaw snarled, too winded to even play her calming flute. "is the p-point of the thrills of battle if you're not in control of yuh-yourself?"
Suddenly, Icirrus Frost went rigid, her eyes suddenly sparkling, and Tempest went back to normal at the lack of incentive to fight.
"Control of yourself..." she muttered. "Snowyclaw!"
But it was too late.
A large gash Icirrus just cut as Snowy spoke bled from her belly, and Snowyclaw blacked out.

Tempest was there when Snowy passed out.
She immediately called for Amanda, who had just come up from the edge of oblivion with Ignacio, but she was too far away.
She called for Ignacio, too, since he had some wicked Mythomagic cards and might know what to do, but he was too winded to run over.
As she cried desperately for everyone nearby, more and more blood leaked out from Snowy's wound. It was too unbearable, if Snowyclaw died.
Frost was frantically casting spells on Snowy, but they fizzled out after the mana depletion of the fight.
"No... I can't believe I couldn't control myself sooner..." muttered Frost.
All Tempest wanted to do was snuggle against Frost and tell her everything was alright, but it wasn't. Plus, she had a job to do.
"SAVIOR! Get your healing ooga-mooga over here and save Snowy!" Tempest hoarsely cried.
Savior had a ripple of offense on her grey, silky face at the "ooga-mooga" comment, then she ran over to Snowy's side and put her palm to Snowy's fur. After a moment, she spoke.
"The wound isn't as bad as it looks. I can heal it without a cyborg transplant. However..."
Savior looked up at Frost and Tempest with genuine sadness.
"She will be too weak to fight."
Frost started to splutter at that comment.
"Bu-but! She has to fight to make sure Apophis can't control Maximus Chronos by making Maximus on our side!" she cried.
Savior shook her head.
"She can stream Electro into Maximus and mentally fight, but no more physical fighting for a month or so."
Now it was Tempest's turn to splutter.
"But we barely have any more time until Apophis gets here and creates Maximus, whether we're present or not!"
Savior sighed with exasperation. Elvis squeaked inside her fur.
"I know its disappointing,but it has to be. Otherwise, she'll probably fall into a coma from exhaustion. She's been through too much in the past few years."
As Savior spoke, Snowy started to heal, her wounds patching up as swiftly as a dove's flight.
"Plus, I sense she's much older than she looks. It would take Ledra to read her entire DNA story, but I sense her memories were wiped, she was put into stasis, she was parted from her family, and the magic signature matches those of the elder Alphas."
Frost and Tempest's eyes nearly bugged out.
"But they're good people! Why would they capture such an innocent wolf and put her in stasis?" they yelped.
Savior sighed, and on the inside, a smile crept up her face. On the outside, though, poker face prevailed.
"I don't know, but its very faint, probably thousands of years ol-"
"Yeah, I don't know how that happened either. Either way, she's not from our time."
Savior removed her paw as Snowy stirred.
"Oh, the world is spinning. And its yellow. What happened to it?"
"SNOWY!!!!" cried Frost and Tempest, bear-hugging her. Savior's mouth dropped open, and she spluttered "No! She needs to rest and recover! Rest, I say, rest! THE PIG SAYS OINK!!!"
"Oh, Snowyclaw! You're awake!" cried Frost.
"And you're in one piece!" cried Tempest.
"Aww... no pie?" asked Frost.
"Wait... pie? THE PIE ISN'T TRUE!" replied Tempest.
Snowy chuckled at the antics of the clowns.
"Nice try, Tempest, but that Portal joke is overused." she sighed. "And what's this ooga-mooga about pie?"
Savior face-palmed at how many times "ooga-mooga" was being used. If she had a desk, she would've also facedesked.
"Cuckoo Savior says that you are thousands of years old. Is that true?" blurted Tempest.
Savior rolled her eyes at her new name: Cuckoo Savior. If this were school, she thought, soon the kindergartners would all be singing "Cuckoo Savior" 24/7/365.
Snowy's expression grew faraway as a part of a memory ignited: playing in a beautiful temple courtyard with a male and female priestess, both of them looking at her lovingly. Inside the ball she was playing with, some nice-smelling catnip was placed, despite the fact that she was a canine.
"I'm... not sure about that, guys, but I think that could be a good explanation for a lot of things. Such as awakening in Jamaa Township with amnesia.
Frost's look became quizzical.
"Okay, so there's quite a lot to you, I take it. Inform me as we walk towards the shrine."
Snowyclaw looked at the shrine, which was only about ten yards away. A smile snaked across her face.
"Actually, after all this is over, I'll tell you. Let's regroup and go inside."
Savior tutted at Snowy's remark.
"Nuh-uh. There's something I need to attend to in Jamaa. A spiritual trail of breadcrumbs I need to follow, you can say." said Savior. "May I please go?"
Frost hesitated, then nodded.
"If it will assist our predicament, then yes."
As Savior walked off into a newly generated portal, she muttered
"Oh, yes, it will be an assistance, oh yes."

Comedy: Okaaaaay....
Snowy, Tempest, Amanda, Ignacio, Pink, Keldeo: SAY WHAAAAAAAT?
Frost: Yes, I'm pregnant. I'm planning to name my twin kits Icicle and Zero.
Everyone: How do you know if they are twins?
Frost: Savior told me back at camp when I asked her.
Everyone: Ledra is better at that. How can you trust the rookie?
Frost: *flustered* Well, if she isn't correct, so be it! I'm pregnant, okay?
Everyone: Since WHEN did you make love to Zion recently?
Frost: *blushing* In a dream.
Everyone: *skeptical* Well, then that's weird. Sperm doesn't travel through dimensions.
Frost: *grumbling* To leave me alone, everyone, have some cake.
Everyone: Yum! *lunges for cake*
Frost: *cake vanishing* The cake isn't true!

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